The Sage of Einar

Chapter 174 - The Solar Stove

Seren who is looking out the window of her temporary workshop at her husband Viggo playing with their two children using a kite could only smile.


"The kite is completely fantastic, I think you have given us something fabulous this time, Einar.


I haven\'t seen my family so happy for a while. "


Einar who was supervising how some silver objects were having fun inside the forge could only make a small smile "It was nothing Seren the kite was something that sooner or later had to do because the children deserved a toy with which they could play.


I also considered that it is a good way to develop a better relationship between parents and children, although we cannot be sure when the next Viking attack will be, I think that in the peacetime that we are having right now it is good that relations between the families. "


At that moment Einar could see that the silver pieces had already been completely melted "But now that these silver pieces have finished melting, I think it is time to empty the contents into the iron plate.


This prototype solar stove should work fine, we just might need to use a little skill to polish the silver to the best of our ability. "


Seren upon hearing Einar\'s words quickly took the iron plate that they had previously made and placed it near the forge, Einar at that moment, and using metal tongs took the stone container that already had the melted silver, and very carefully he began to empty it into the metal container.


As the melted silver began to adhere to that iron plate, Seren constantly moved it from side to side so that all places would be covered by the melted silver.


After a while, and with the entire metal plate completely covered in silver, Seren empty the rest of the melted silver into a stone container so that it could be melted again in the future.


"Very good, now that we have finished preparing the dish that reflects the light, we have to make the bases so that the pan can be placed or anything that will be used to cook food."


Seren who was looking at the iron plate stroked her chin and looked at Einar with some doubt.


"I think that because of the size and being a prototype, the best we can do is make a sand mold, as it would be the fastest and easiest way to do it, we can also use wood and some pine resin to make the model.


That way we will finish earlier and we will still have time to test the prototype solar stove. "


Einar nodded "I think that would be the best we could do."


After saying those words, the two of them began to work. Using some wooden sticks and pine resin, they made a rectangular base that was large enough to hold a small pan or a small bowl.


Once the model was completely built, Einar began using sand to make the earth mold into which cast iron will be poured to make the mold.


When they finished making the mold, Einar began to melt an iron bar in a stone container. While he was waiting for the iron to begin to melt, Einar began to hum a song.1


Because he wasn\'t singing but was just humming to the beat of the song. The quiet melody made Seren look at her family fondly as she rested her hand on the wooden window.


When he finished humming the song, Seren turned her head and looked quite relaxed at Einar. "Einar, what\'s the name of that melody you were humming, it was quite relaxing, but you could hum again, I don\'t want to forget that tone."


Einar stroked his head and unlike the first time, he had only hummed the rhythm, this time he began to sing in a language that Seren did not understand.


"I see trees of green, red roses too ..."1


Singing that song the two of them began to lose in their own thoughts, Einar for his part was remembering his daughter Erika and his current wives Kassia and Helmi. Somehow he imagined that it would be quite funny for the three of them to meet.


For her part, Seren just enjoyed the air coming through the window while looking at her children\'s smiles and Viggo\'s carefree face.


\'Hopefully, your smiles can last a lifetime, my family. Even if I have to work tirelessly, I will see to it that all of you can live well and with the least possible worries.\'


After finishing singing, Einar realized that the iron bar had already melted completely, so he took the stone container using tongs and poured the contents into the hole in the sand mold.


Once finished, he put the wooden container aside, and he waited for a few minutes for the iron to cool enough before he could open the mold.


"Einar, I would like to ask you if you think the Viking attacks will stop in the future or they will continue to try to attack our people."


Einar took a deep breath and with a melancholy look, he looked at Seren "The more wealth we accumulate we will be more and more visible to the eyes of any Viking who is looking for gold and silver.


So I can not tell you that we will not have Viking attacks again, possibly we will have more and more attacks, but that is why I am preparing everything so that our children and the whole tribe do not have to suffer from the losses of the people that interest us.


So remember Seren, everything I do is for the good of the tribe, and at no point would I dare to hurt any member of the tribe for my actions. "


Seren just sighed and turned her head to see her family again "I know Einar, that\'s why and other reasons that you will always have my support ...


Since I only want my children not to die as my brothers or my uncles did, the promise of Valhalla is very good, but I simply refuse to imagine my children dying in a meaningless battle, just under the pretext of having honor. "


Einar shook his head and walked over to where Seren was to put his hand on her shoulder "I will change the idea about honor in dying in senseless battles, because we will not start wars that we cannot end, but I can promise you that your Children will not die in a confrontation destined for failure.


If they die, they will do so defending their nation and not like Vikings or cannon fodder that was only used to harm enemy armies.


Now I think you should go outside and prepare a little place so that we can test the solar stove because the iron mold should already be enraged. "


Seren nodded and left the room in the direction of where her children were. Meanwhile, Einar began to remove the wood that held the sand from the mold.


After this, he used tweezers and a hammer to remove the sand from the mold. In the end, he put the iron mold inside a bucket of water where he caused the water to start to boil for a few moments.


When it was cold enough, Einar held it in his hands and later using a chisel removed the excess iron parts that were in the mold while carrying the silver-coated iron plate.


\'Let\'s see how this little prototype of solar cooker works, if it can be used it will be a good way to save materials and have something so that the warriors can cook without smoke.


Every time he reinvented something I can only feel that the phrase of a small step for man, a great leap for humanity.


It makes perfect sense. These technologies if they continue to accumulate can help my tribe to lead between the different kingdoms of the continent, although I feel that in doing so it is quite obvious that they will hate us.


Possibly the nation he is going to create is just as disowned as Russia, but the only difference that we will have a continent or two if I can conquer Australia with all the climates to ourselves.


Governing it shouldn\'t be impossible if I can find a way to create a railway system or failing that a telegraph.


But whatever that is, it should be something for the future that will include my children, grandchildren, and future descendants. \'


When he got outside, he went to where Seren was waiting, already with a small piece of land prepared to start the test.


When he reached the designated place, he bent down and arranged the iron plate in a Diagonal way so that the sunlight would reach him fully. After this Einar placed the support so that it would be where the light was reflecting.


"Now we just need a small pot of snow to see if it works."


Seren at that moment handed a small iron pot to Einar which had snow on it, Einar then just placed it on the support they had made and waited.


They were all quite impatient to know what would happen, but to their surprise, the snow soon began to melt.


Seren, who was looking happily at the melting snow patted Einar on the back "You did it Einar, you managed to make a solar stove."


"Haha, it wasn\'t just me Seren, without your help, I wouldn\'t have been able to do it"


With a smile, Einar began to plan in his head how he had to modify the plate so that the solar stove would make better use of the sun and could start cooking faster.

Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful WorldLouis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World

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