Incest Complex

Chapter 49 - Two Elements?

"Mama, Where is Kana?"I asked. I just realized Kana isn\'t with us.

"Oh Kana, She\'s with her assistant. They go to the shrine."She said, Leaving me dumbfounded.

The LOLI Shrine! Why kana did not tell me earlier, Kuu. So frustrating I want to go there too.

"Oh, what are they going to do in there? Also, is it okay for her assistant to know our family\'s secret?"Hiding my true self. I asked mama.

"Some elders need some health check up, so Kana need to check up on them. Don\'t worry shii-chan, Kana said she\'s trustworthy."She said. She continued."By the way Shii-chan what punishment did you do to Shizumi, mama is curious. Shizumi suddenly became docile."

I became relieved when she said it\'s okay for akane to know.

When Shizumi heard her grandma, she flinched. She got scared suddely and did not know what to do.

"Nothing extreme or harmed her in anyway. I just taught her a lesson she could never forget. Right Shizumi."I said with a mischeviousn smile.

Shizumi nodded her head obediently."Y-Yes"

The other mother-daughter on my left side was suppressing their laughter. I rolled my eyes on them.

"Heeh, Shizumi-chan became obedient, It\'s a bit surprising."Mama said looking at Shizumi with curiousity.

Shiyuki is also shocked, Her daughter\'s changed didn\'t really bother her but the obedience her daughter have surprised her the most. Shiyuki also look towards my direction.

Everyone is also curious what I did to her. So I explained to them about the simple hypnosis and what happened. Of course leaving the intimate part but the other two uncontrollably giggled all their might. I don\'t know whether to laugh or cry to their reaction.

Everyone became silent after hearing that...

"Shii-chan that is really terrible..."Mama mumbled beside me. putting her backhand on her forehead pretending to be distressed.

"Ugh, I\'m sorry mama it\'s just I didn\'t want to harm her physically or expected it to be a mental trauma. I\'m out of idea how to punish her. So I tried this hypnosis thing I saw on TV. I didn\'t really mean to.."I explain frantically. joining in her drama, but something unexpected happened. Someone joined the drama but her\'s was more real.

"G-Grandma please don\'t hate U-Uncle, He did not mean to harm me. Moreover, Uncle helped me realized how bad of a girl am I. He taught me things that helped me so much. So please don\'t hate uncle."Everyone is surprised by the sudden outburst of Shizumi. They thought \'She defended him?\'

Everyone did not really hate what I did for the punishment. They became silent because the thought of being alone did no fit them at all. They relied on each other, So the word \'alone\' was not in their dictionary. They just became sad when they know what happened to shizumi. But they didn\'t expect she would suddenly defend her uncle who was playing with her grandma\'s drama.

"Eh, Shizumi-chan what are you saying. How could mama hate mama\'s shii-chan. Mama would never hate Shii-chan. "Mama back to her usual childish persona.

"Eh but-"Shizumi couldn\'t find anywords to say, she was stunned. She did not expect them to be joking around.

Welp, Shizumi didn\'t really pay attention to our antics yesterday. So she was clueless.

Her mother patted her shoulder. She hugged her mother\'s chest, obviously embarassed misunderstanding the situation. Everyone giggled from her reaction. Part of them became relieved that Shizumi joined the family heartedly.

After that small event, Everyone happily filled up their stomach with delicious food.

From time to time, Sister Shiyuki would occassionally glance at me. Clearly have something to say to me. I have some idea what she wanted to say. But, I pretended I didn\'t see her. I helped mama with her food, She is so childish a picky eater. But that is what made her so adorable, I know I can\'t touch her and that made my heart painful.

Heart Desire when can I bed my loli mama? I tried asking inside my mind, I expected no reply. Of course it would not reply with voice but with emotions instead.

Mama is so close to me yet so far away. Okay, after lunch I will go to the library and study magic and become stronger.


After lunch Everyone parted.

I go to the library with Shina, Sis Sona eyed us with envious gaze, while her daughter cheekily clung on my arm. Sis Sona doesn\'t really have time with me because of work, But I will help her later after studying magic.

As for Kira-nee, well, She ran off again.

Shizumi and Sister Shiyuki walked together. Shizumi has something to say to her mother so she dragged her mother. Sister Shiyuki clearly wanted to talk to me but I pretended again not to notice that.


"Baby, what type of element do you have?"I asked her, even though I already know her element I still asked her because she still thought I don\'t know what her element is.

"Uncle, It\'s darkness magic and Light magic" She replied with a hint of sadness.

Two elements? wait I didn\'t know that. Let\'s see, Using my eye of visual perception, I clearly see a darkness orb but I didn\'t see a light. Did she just said wrongly?

"Are you level two?"I asked because I was too confused.

Shina shook her head."I\'m still level one."

"Doesn\'t everyone only have one element in level one?"I said totally confused. I\'m happy she have two elements but I couldn\'t see the other element at all. She seems she is not lying to me.

Instead of answering my question Shina raised her both hands a ball of darkness and light. Yup, two ball of different elements.

"H-How?"I stuttered.

"My light element was hidden inside my orb of darkness. I accidentally discovered it when I was young."She said.

Hmm? I pierced my vision through her orb of darkness, There I found it. She was right, There is an orb of light inside her orb of darkness.

"That is amazing baby, Doesn\'t that also mean you would have two elements in your second level too?"I happily said.

"Yeah it\'s amazing but, The resourses and hardwork to level up also increased by five times uncle."She bowed down, She felt a large boulder in her heart.

Is that so, it seems having two elements in first level doesn\'t really mean it is easy.

I patted her head."Don\'t worry baby, I will help you."

Shina nodded her head, happy that her uncle supported her. At the same time grieved when she realized only her uncle doesn\'t have magic and here she is complaining having two elements in the first level. She shook her head, And thought of how dumb she is.

She tightened her grip on my shoulder and a sweet smile appeared on her.

"Uncle thank you, I love you so much."She said.

"Baby your welcome, Love you too."Kissing her forehead.


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