Classless Ascension

Chapter 193: D-23 Meeting!

Chapter 193: D-23 Meeting!

In a peaceful forest, a man could be seen playing with his UW. At first glance, no one would have guessed that this quiet scene was happening in D-23. No one sane would have ever approached it!

"Hey Markus, how is it going?" Josh joyfully began the conversation.


"Are you there?"

"I\'m just speechless. We\'ve been trying to deal with the sloth problem for so long, then you just come and take care of it. For starters, weren\'t you kidnapped by Gene Corp? What the heck happened?!" Markus was bewildered.

"You know, the usual. I was just there to train myself, no biggie. I simply killed my way out. To be honest, the hardest was finding their armory to get my items back." Josh sighed.

He had been lucky to find himself two minions to help with that: Jack the healer and that other guy. He had considered leaving them behind, but he had felt their deep desire to redeem themselves. Plus, he had been the one pulling strings so he couldn\'t really blame them.

They had barely had enough time to get his items back that they had to evacuate, pushed back by the countless mutating monsters. Still, what mattered was that he had survived while becoming stronger.


"Anyway, I want to address the issue of ownership of D-23. Care to announce to the world that this place belongs to me?" Josh casually dropped a bomb.

"We both know it won\'t be that easy. The Metropolises have vested interest in it, especially since mobilizing the Black Legion. It was a question of security then, but now they expect to get something out of it." Markus reminded.

"Sounds about right. Get me a meeting with whoever is in charge then."

"Are you sure? I\'m certain that they\'ll try to force you to resell your land deed to them. Metropolis-C will see danger at having a civilian in charge of it while Metropolis E will disagree for the sake of it." Markus sighed.

"Oh? What about you?" Josh inquired.

"I\'m fine with it as long as you follow our agreement."

"Sounds good. Let\'s get the ball rolling. I just have to \'intimidate,\' I mean impress two leaders. How hard could it be? Let\'s make the meeting spot be at D-23 then." Josh could hear Markus sighing before hanging up.

Now, he had a few things to prepare. He looked around while assessing his options. Most of the sloths were either sleeping already or about to. He chuckled to himself as he decided on a plan.

The first step was to get a table going. The trees in that area were extremely sturdy, but they couldn\'t resist sloth claws. He directed one of these creatures to help him in exchange for some appetizing meat.

Then, he soon directed the sloths to take various sleeping positions before getting to cleaning. A few minutes later, he couldn\'t help but feel proud of his work. The last step was to get some tea: the best beverage for negotiations. For that, he asked Bennett once more.

Josh knew that the various leaders would be way stronger than him, raw stats-wise. They also had political power, and chances were they would try and pull their weight around him, except Markus, of course.

But, he was ready...


Outside D-23, there were many civilians, soldiers, and news reporters that couldn\'t remain still. The military around the area, along with Josh\'s earlier sloth throwing, convinced them to keep their distances at least.

Eventually, a jovial man carrying Devouring Panda bags made his way to the defense perimeter before being stopped.

"Halt! This area is restricted!" A guard shouted.

"Look me up. I\'m Bennett, a Ranker from devouring Panda. The man inside asked me personally to deliver food. Can you guys afford to have the sloths rampaging? How many here would die?" He argued.

The guards looked at each other uncertain before finally stepping out of the way. They wouldn\'t risk it, plus the man was renowned for being a kind-hearted foodie. It made sense that he would help in such a situation.

Many of the spectators couldn\'t help but feel jealous. They, too, wanted to be granted access. Many were envious of someone able to use a Ranker as a delivery boy. The journalists were expectantly waiting for Bennett to come out to interrogate him.


Josh was lost in his thoughts when Bennett finally arrived. "What the Hell is this?!" The latter cried out.

"It\'s for a meeting. Do you mean the table or the chair?" Josh asked, puzzled.

Bennett couldn\'t believe his eyes. The scene in front of him looked both marvelous and nightmarish. This was the ultimate test of courage and the craziest thing he\'d ever seen!

Josh had carved a plank out of a nearby tree and had set it up directly on a sloth\'s back! The so-called chairs were not any better! Josh had placed sloths in a circle and cleaned them for people to sit on!

Now he was happily taking a floral tablecloth from the bags along with colorful blankets and covering the sloths. He then gently grabbed the tea set before placing it on the table. At first glance, it looked quite charming…until one remembered the deadly beasts!!!

"There we go. Try one and tell me if it\'s comfortable enough." Josh smiled radiantly.

Try one?! Bennett could vividly remember the many times he had fought the sloths. He knew how crazy strong, and violent they could be! They\'d randomly yawn and eat a human in a heartbeat! Somehow, Josh\'s gentle smile just made it worse.

This simple act of sitting was terrifying him.? He took a few seconds to decide. Finally, he concluded that Josh was probably scarier than the creatures. As his butt made contact with the \'seat,\' he had to agree that it was very comfortable, fluffy…and scary!

Bennett poured himself a cup. The bright smell of the Huang Shan Green tea was already calming his nerves. The first sip brought order to his world: he enjoyed the clean grassy and vegetal taste, along with the lightly sweet and fruity aftertaste.

It reminded him of his first life and death battle. His mentor had wisely told him that it was normal to be scared but that a man\'s worth was how he dealt with that fear. In Devouring Panda, most pictured the state of plenitude one felt after eating/drinking to regain their calm.

The two men drank in silence, enjoying this moment. Josh had no damn clue what kind of tea he was consuming or how to describe it, but he loved it nonetheless. He was patiently awaiting his guests to show up.


When the ship of Michael the Lightbringer pulled near D-23, many cameras were instantly pointed his way. The hatch door opened as a golden star appeared in the sky before diving with incredible momentum. ZZZZZZ!!

A man of lightning soon revealed himself to them. His entire body was crackling, and he looked akin to an elemental war god. He was perhaps the showiest of all the Metropolis leaders, but he was deserving of the admiration.

"Lightbringer! Lightbringer!" Cheers of adoration resounded. This man was an idol for many and an ideal partner in the heart of others.

His golden hair, along with his golden eyes, gave him an otherworldly appearance. That, combined with the magical energy that he loved to let course along his entire body, made him the most splendid and ever so handsome being.

"I\'m just passing by to resolve the sloth problem for you guys." He said in a deep voice as he waved and entered D-23.

Cries of adoration were heard, along with a few logical ones pointing out that the problem was already resolved. Still, no one was about to criticize him directly. After all, he was leading a Metropolis and had probably access to more information than them.

He slowly walked powerfully. He couldn\'t help but scoff at how misleading the other leaders had been about the sloth problem. Markus and Allistair were way too cautious! Had he known a single man could solve it, he would have done it himself ages ago.

He soon reached a small clearing. There was a very ugly table in the middle and some rocks strewn all around as chairs. How distasteful! What caught his attention were the sloths lying around the meeting spot in a large circle. He\'d have to be careful about them.

He then turned to observe the two men...

Creator\'s Thought

Was I ready to hold that meeting? Yes. Could I have waited some more to have more insurance? Also yes. Still, sometimes it\'s better to just go for it in life. Nothing is ever optimal for even the most genius of minds cannot fathom all the possibilities.

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