Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 58 Rampage!!!

Rex\'s disappearance became a known fact in Obedin City just a few minutes after it happened, but it was only known to a few higher-ups and the police department of the city, the news was not circulated.

Though all the leaders of this city already knew the game that was being played, they acted oblivious as they sent the police to go search for Rex.

Only a few close friends of Rex were really affected by his disappearance.

Having been waiting for their friend at the hospital, Ben and Cassandra were one of the first to know of his disappearance as they entered a panic immediately.

They had no idea where Rex would have gone at this point in time and it left them both fidgeting in worry. Having no idea about Rex\'s current state almost drove them mad as their brains kept on thinking up a lot of horrifying scenarios.

In the end, they could no longer afford to stay still at the hospital, they decided that going out to search for their friend would be better than waiting here.

They had no guarantee of his specific destination but Cassandra decided to go for the Wind Mill Tower which was a place she caught Rex going to most times when he was in a bad mood after being bullied in the academy.

Her best guess was that a sad Rex had a higher chance of going there.

As for Ben, he decided to go to the Chicken Paradise restaurant. He already observed after years with his friend that when Rex was in a bad mood, he tended to become like him, being a lot more talkative and he could eat a mountain then.

He didn\'t guess, he hoped that Rex was drowning away his sorrows with food as he started a mad sprint in the direction of the restaurant.

Once Ben and Cassandra moved, some shadows moved with them.

"#1 Target: Rex Vector".

"Appearance: Red hair, Dark brown eyes, tanned yellow skin".

"Personality: A lukewarm between jovial and seriousness, introverted, lover of swords".

"Mystic Ability: ???- Domain mystic energy wielder".

"#2 Target: Cassandra Putin".

"Appearance: Black hair, blue eyes, white skin, great curves".

"Personality: Stable, calm, lover of peace, lover of swords, lover of her hair".

"Mystic Ability: Earth".

"#3 Target: Ben Carter".

"Appearance: Dark skin, chubby body".

"Personality: Carefree, outspoken, hyperactive, knuckle-headed, lover of girls and food".

"Mystic Ability: Wind".

"#4 Target: Gogolas Neon".

"Appearance: …"

This was the updated kill book of the Black Python assassin group when they finally arrived at their destination, Obedin City a day ago.

This notorious assassin group did not come to Obedin City because of the invitation of the Elliot family patriarch, this was their original destination and on finding out, the Elliot patriarch decided to hire them also.

The Black Pythons ranked targets in their kill books according to the amount of money that was paid on their heads.

9 targets brought them to Obedin City, and of these 9, 3 were the students who were wanted dead by the Elliot patriarch, Rex, Cassandra, and Ben.

Due to his anger, the Elliot family patriarch did not just go for Rex, he wanted to eliminate anything close to him that he held dear out of this world.

It felt petty but for someone in his position, killing the 3 students was just a casual gesture that had no further implications, he wanted to kill them just to soothe his ego, his ego was worth more than their lives combined.

On arriving in Obedin City, the Black Python assassins were divided into 2 groups. The main group with their leader went after Rex, the other group went after Cassandra and Ben.

Now, because of the 2 students splitting up to go look for their friends, they also had to split up to catch up with them since they didn\'t want to lose any of them.

The Black Python assassin group was one of the most notorious in the Cold Mountain. It would not be long before the authorities in Obedin City caught wind of their presence, then they would be hunted which prompted them to work fast.

The 2 groups patiently waited till they caught their targets in an isolated pathway before they descended upon them like falling leaves in autumn.


Master Fixten was in a great dilemma.

This intermediate mystic warrior was one of the few individuals who had a detailed guess of exactly what happened to Rex, Master Fixten literally felt his heart being torn apart as he forced himself to stay in his home.

After he was approached by the Elliot family patriarch\'s messenger, of course, he was irritated by the foul play but he had no choice but to consent.

This was the mystic world, the mystic families ruled and everyone else had to bow before them. The minimum requirement to stand against them was to be an Advanced Mystic warrior and sadly, he was not.

Master Fixten had never felt more regret for not being an Advanced Mystic warrior like now all his life, he felt dissected.

Master Fixten would have easily prevented this scenario if he told Rex from the onset to hold back and let Turan win convincingly in the final battle.

Originally, he was set on telling Rex this no matter how disappointing it would have sounded to his student but he paused due to the determination to win that was shown by Rex during every night training session.

Rex\'s fierce determination and unwavering will to come out as the best resonated so much with him that Master Fixten saw his younger self in the kid.

Unfortunately for him, just like the way Rex was about to be suppressed, he was also suppressed which later rippled on in his life to stunt his growth potential as a mystic warrior.

Swordsmen, most especially domain mystic swordsmen were emotional warriors. They devoted their whole life to their swords only for one reason, to become one with them and be the best alongside each other.

To unlock sword domain, a swordsman needed to become one with his sword but to achieve that, he needed to have a firm goal in mind first.

Without a firm life goal to channel your willpower, unlocking the sword domain was most times impossible.

Master Fixten would have gone further as a mystic swordsman by now but when he was suppressed as a kid, this affected his confidence, this affected his life goals and he wavered which later rippled to affect his sword discipline.

He already suffered this once, Master Fixten did not want his student to suffer the same mostly after he saw Rex\'s determination to win during training.

Rex\'s performance in the finals validated his decision to let Rex go unrestrained but now Rex was in danger and it was all because of him.

Once Master Fixten thought to this point, his eyes suddenly blazed like fire. "I can\'t let my student die!"

Master Fixten grabbed his sword and rushed out of his home.

[You are hungry!]

[You have received your first system mission: Feed!]

[You must drink human blood within the next 24 hours!]

[For every hour that passes without blood, your intelligence will keep on degrading till the extent that you become nothing more than a beast!]

[For every 2 hours that passes without blood, you will lose 1 HP!]

[Penalty for mission failure: Death!]


Once the system gave its first mission, Rex could not pay attention to it partly because of his shattered mind due to seeing the fate of his family and ancestors and partly because he just heard something.

Rex felt that he just heard a sound, he waited and listened and he was not wrong as he heard further creaking sounds.

Due to some strange reason, Rex felt overpowered now that he paid attention to it. He seemed to develop heightened senses from nowhere, his vision and hearing were now clearer than ever before.

Not only that, though he still felt terribly hungry, all the previous injuries that he sustained from the clash against the assassins and the needles already healed.

It was like they were not even there.

Originally, Rex would have paid more attention to this strange phenomenon and tried to deduce the reason why but not today, today was ruined for him not just because of the assassins and his battle loss, but because of his family\'s truth.

At this moment, Rex\'s abnormal vision enabled him to see the faint red figures of the people who were outside the door, they were the assassins!

The mere realization of this fact riled Rex up completely.


Rex hissed loudly before he exploded forward with speed. He ran on top of the blood pool like it was smooth ground as he instantly arrived before the door.

Before he got close to the huge metal door, Rex\'s hands and feet already grew long and sharp nails as he jumped before puncturing through the door with them. An incredible scene happened; the door was torn apart!


Once Rex landed on the other side, he finally saw the group of 4 startled assassins who clearly didn\'t expect the door to suddenly be torn apart.

They were veteran assassins though, they all reacted as they slashed with their massive great swords but Rex was having none of it.


Rex\'s speed was unstoppable as his hands moved like the wind as his long and deadly fingernails dug into the throats of the first 2 assassins.

Rex\'s right hand slammed towards the 3rd one as this assassin\'s head was smashed against the wall, his head turned into a bloody paste from the sheer force.

In less than a second, Rex killed 3 of the assassins. The last tried to retreat but Rex already pounced on him like a bear.

Once Rex pinned this assassin to the ground, his original intention was to rip his head off but his instinct told him otherwise.

Before Rex could comprehend what he was doing, he turned his prey\'s head to the side as he bit into his vulnerable neck with his sharp fangs.

Once Rex bit into the assassin\'s neck, he tasted a sweet flavor, unlike anything he had ever tasted all his life. Instinctively, he sucked as the sweet nectar of blood flowed from the assassin\'s neck through his fangs into his mouth.

Rex\'s eyes rolled back in pleasure as his system lit up notifications.

[Your hunger has decreased!]

[Your hunger has decreased!]

[You have completed first system mission: Feed!]

[Access system for mission rewards!]

Rex sucked all the blood away from the assassin till he died.

His system notification distracted him, but before he could focus on it, he heard another sound.

"What is that…, a monster?!"

Rex raised his head and hissed again, then he exploded forward with speed.

A Rampage started!

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