Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 68 Emergency!!!

Every 6 months in the Obedin City Army was a tenure.

After a tenure will the evaluations be conducted to determine the soldiers that will be evicted from the army and those that will be promoted.

The evaluations were based on certain criteria, mainly the number of achievement points achieved by the specific soldier, amount of special achievement points, and the number of honors if any.

In the army, achievement points were gotten after completing a mission. If it was a team mission, all members of the team get the same amount of achievement points so long as the mission was completed.

As for special achievement points, they were only given if any of the soldiers in a team performed spectacularly.

For example, if a heroic feat by a soldier resulted in civilians being saved or a heroic feat by a soldier result in the survival of his teammates, that soldier is eligible to receive a special achievement point.

As for honors, they were of different types and they could be seen as a higher and more recognized version of special achievement points.

If a soldier\'s heroic feat resulted in thousands of civilians being saved, he was eligible to receive an honor in commemoration of his brave act that saved lives.

These were the basic criteria for determining eviction or promotion.

After the Death Card team easily completed their mission, on returning and after Justin gave a report to the army, their rewards were given.

Each one of them received 10 achievement points and 50 K.R.S Credits [King Resistance Shelter Credits]. K.R.S Credits were the official recognized currency in the King Resistance Shelter.

This was another benefit of being a soldier of the Obedin City Army. Apart from the basic monthly salary, the soldiers were also paid according to each mission that they completed depending on the difficulty of the mission.

After receiving their rewards, Justin and Merry returned to the computerized tent while Rex and the others left in different directions to do their thing.

If there was another team mission, Justin could simply alert them through their AOS smartphone so their presence was not always needed in the tent.

Rex did not just decide to leave his teammates, he had another motive in mind. In the army, there were not only team missions, but there were individual missions also and unlike team missions, there were a lot more individual missions.

This presented a situation where individual soldiers could go to the Black Camp and browse through the available missions to decide to take any.

This first team mission was like an eye-opener to Rex. After this mission, though his contribution was not much, he now had experience on how to approach missions and his intention was to take individual missions.

Other soldiers equally came to the army with ambitions, but Rex saw his case as a special one. Though he already put it to the back of his mind, his family\'s complicated situation was still in his mind.

He would not feel settled if he did not give his all to get power. If possible, he still wanted to get strong enough to avenge his father.

He knew that the best way to grow fast was to engage in real battles, virtual duels were good but not as good as a real physical battle.

The blood rush of a real battle was what he really needed to push past his limits, his battle with Turan in the finals was a perfect example of this.

Besides, he wanted to get extremely familiar with his current weapons and also meet the requirements to use his other mystic treasures since that was the only way that he would be able to fight at his peak.

Once Rex set his priorities straight, he went at it with gusto as for the next few days, his daily routine became taking on missions non-stop.

It seemed like just yesterday but in the blink of an eye, it was already 2 months since Rex became a soldier of the Obedin City Army.

During this time, Rex was not idle as he already achieved a lot.

By taking on missions non-stop, both individually and joining his teammates on team missions, he already amassed a savings of 724 achievement points and 5,500 K.R.S Credits just from missions alone.

Now, Rex was no longer a novice in the army, he was already a semi-veteran soldier and this much experience was mostly due to his mad work rate.

Apart from working on his military career, Rex did not neglect other parts of his life. Due to some of the rare times that he spent with his friends; he already knew a lot about the Mystic Hunter Union through Ben.

The more he knew about this union, the more he understood the danger of mystic beasts. Recognizing that one day he may perhaps need it, Rex decided to start learning about different types of mystic beasts and how to best kill them.

In this aspect, Ben became his mentor as in their free time, the pair of friends occasionally entered Obedin City Beast Sanctum to hunt.

At times, Cassandra tagged along as the 3 friends kept on working hard to not let one overtake the others completely. Despite their hard work though, Rex was always the one on top while they trailed behind.

After 2 months, these three 18-year-olds were already unrecognizable from their graduation tournament self. Money could indeed transform people.

They looked clean and fresher than ever before.

Another achievement in Rex\'s tab in the past 2 months was the fact that his secret was not yet exposed. Through a combination of his perseverance and the unrelenting help from his friends, Rex\'s identity as a vampire stayed hidden.

Even Master Fixten never brought up the topic after that day.

Rex was able to live off blood stolen from the hospital; he could not afford to buy so much blood since it would easily arouse suspicion.

Overall, the past 2 months were well spent in his books.

Today was another day for Rex as he took another individual mission like usual. This time, it was a fairly ridiculous mission as a middle-aged businesswoman was looking for her lost cat but Rex took it nonetheless so long as it brought money.

After searching for half the whole day around the whole city, the cat was nowhere to be found and Rex had to enter the Hillbilly Forest before finding it.

Once he found the cat, he returned it in one piece to its owner as the chubby middle-aged lady heaped praise on him while giving him extra K.R.S Credits.

Once Rex was done, he decided to return to the army base since he didn\'t feel the need to take on another mission for the day.

On his way back, Rex reflected on how much he had grown over the period of 2 months. Though he already graduated, he never lost contact with Master Fixten as both master and student kept on exchanging pointers in their free time.

With his Master\'s help, his system\'s help, and most especially the help of his upgrade mystic ability, Rex already developed a lot in the past 2 months.

His sword skills and proficiency were smoother than 2 months ago, and most especially, he already broke through 3 tiers in the basic warrior grade and was now at the 4th tier with over 200 mystic energy capacity.


Name: Rex Vector

Age: 18

Race: Vampire Neonate

Blood Rank: Vampire

Rank: Basic Mystic Warrior

Basic Warrior Grade: 4th tier

Strength: 41

Speed: 32

Mind: 37

Vitality: 40

Agility: 30

Dexterity: 34

Health Points [HP]: 65/65

Mystic Energy Points [MEP]: 185/230

Mystic Energy: Domain

Mystic Ability: Upgrade

Special Constitution: Vampire

[Mystic Treasures: Berserker; Blood Tome, Oath of the Ancients; Death Daggers; Coffin of the Ancients.]


From his system status, it was clear that his increased mystic energy capacity brought a lot of increase to his basic stat points.

Rex was now significantly stronger than 2 months ago, and that was not the best part though, the best part was that he could finally make use of the abilities of his Blood Tome in battle.

He had not used the Blood Tome openly since he got the requirements to use it, but he secretly practiced with the abilities to get used to them.

Overall, compared to 2 months ago, Rex grew a lot.

On returning to the military base, Rex hummed a song to himself as he walked merrily towards the location of his team\'s tent but he paused mid-way as his AOS smartphone rang an alarm.

Beep! Beep!


>Come to the Black Camp<

>Sender: Justin<

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