Speed Is King

Chapter 207 You monster!

There was no room for discussion in such a crisis. All of the Chairman’s orders have to be executed instantly and perfectly. Failure to do so might see one of the most lucrative games they had ever seen in their lifetimes crumble and turn to dust before their very eyes.

And if that happened, the members within that room would definitely change within a short period of time. Heck, heads might even roll.

El’Taras might be calm and easygoing most of the time. But when he got angry, the subject of his anger rarely escaped with their lives.

Of course in the vast universe, there were many who did not believe for a second that it was mere coincidence.

“Mobilize the military and send in five regiments to lock down Planet Earth. Nothing enters and leaves the Planet without our authorization. I expect your men to be in position within three days.” A high ranking general of the Star System closest to Planet Earth, Southern Glory, commanded his subordinates.

“We are escalating the Shadow Parasite Disaster into Defensive Alert Two! Inform all the other Star Systems of our decision, especially the Central Galaxies. If possible, get them to reinforce us as well. We must kill the Shadow Parasites before they find a way to create more queens.”

“Yes General!” His subordinates shouted, and immediately got to work.

And with that, the first of many military assets from across the entire known universe had finally taken action.

However, the greatest reactions had to come from Jessica and co.

“Erhem. Jessica.” Came Director Sands’ voice.

“Huh? Gramps? How come you sound like… What? You’re actually here??” Jessica Sands gasped in surprise as she stood up from the huddle that she was in with Wu Kong and Jul’Taras.

“Impossible. That old man would never leave his job to visit me.” She muttered loudly to herself, much to Director Sands’ chagrin.

“Is this a brand new powerful hologram technology? You look so real!” Jessica stretched out her hand and touched her grandfather’s arm.

“Whoa! You even feel real! What a powerful hologram technology! Who invented it? That person must be a mega genius!” Jessica exclaimed.


Director Sands smacked Jessica’s head lightly as he rolled his eyes at her.

“Owww! That hurt!! And you’re really here!! Why are you here?” Jessica rubbed her head with a pout.

“Don’t you know why I am here? I thought you’re a big fan of that Elliot guy!” Director Sands asked in mild amazement.

“Ah? We’ve been busy discussing… something fun. Hahaha! It’s nothing dangerous! Don’t worry! Hahaha!” Jessica laughed guiltily.

Next to her, Jul’Taras and Wu Kong sighed deeply while Aunt Hillary merely chuckled.

Director Sands frowned at Jessica.

“We’ll have a discussion about this later. But now, I have an important task for you. You are to follow me to investigate the appearance of what seems to be a Realm Portal that suddenly appeared in California.”

“California? That’s the state where Elliot is!” Jessica gasped.

“Yes. As it were, he was probably involved in the creation of that portal. You got your wish, somehow. You will follow me and we will have to meet Elliot and talk to him about that portal.” Director Sands said with a small smile.

Jessica’s, Jul’Taras’ and Wu Kong’s mouths dropped open and there was silence for a moment.

A very brief moment.

And then all three of them scrambled back to their screens to look at the current situation.


“Ehm! One of those “dumbasses” you’re referring to is ME! You little chilli pepper!” Director Sands shouted at his beloved granddaughter loudly.

“Ah? Hahahaha! Of course I wasn’t referring to you, gramps! You’re almost always never included in my curses!” Jessica laughed gaily.

“ALMOST always never? So sometimes I AM included??” Director Sands sputtered indignantly!

“AH! I almost forgot. Gramps, please meet Wu Kong and Jules, my personal bodyguards who will be accompanying me to Planet Earth! AND NO, I WON’T GO IF YOU DON’T ALLOW THEM TO JOIN ME!” Jessica said fiercely to make sure that her friends can join her, and also to change the subject as fast as possible.

“Hmmm? Sure. If it’s more protection for you, I don’t have any arguments against that. And Jules, since when did you enter the bodyguard industry? The Chairman will be very interested to know about your little business expansion.” Director Sands teased her lightly.

“Oh he knows, don’t worry about that, Uncle Sands.” Jul’Taras chuckled. “I have felt his eyes lock on to me the moment you appeared. If he didn’t agree, he would have done something by now. Don’t worry about Jessica. With me around, and with Uncle constantly watching over me, she’ll be in no danger at all even if we somehow get separated from you.”

“Yeah! And even if I get separated from ALL of you, I’ll be in no danger as well! Because unlike all of you, I have a super duper powerful escape mechanism which I had just discovered a few weeks ago! It’s super shiny brand new, and with it I will never get caught.” Jessica said proudly.

But before Director Sands could ask her what it was, Jul’Taras raised her hand.

“DON’T ask her what if you don’t want her screaming the answer out for the rest of the room to hear.” Jul’Taras chuckled.

“Hahaha!” Director Sands waved his hand lightly and the space around them shimmered very, very slightly. “We’re good now. I dare say not even your Uncle can see us!”

However, a slight chuckle sounded from near Director Sands.

“Not only can I still see you, I can even project my voice over. Old man Sands, you’ve gotten weak.”

“WHAT! You monster. It’s not I who has gotten weak, it’s you who has gotten much too strong for your own good!” Director Sands shouted in shock.

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