Epic of Bee

Chapter 171 Too Much

Sig put a hand on Tag\'s shoulder and shook his head.

"She didn\'t know Tag," Sig tried to say, but Tag punched the tunnel wall beside him, breaking a section out.

"NO! People don\'t just get to keep on assuming things about you! Nala," Tag said, turning the cowering snake woman and then taking a deep breath in to calm himself before speaking.

Before Tag could speak, a different and more bright red light filled the tunnel, and then Messia came flying around the corner. Unfortunately for Nala, this was all too much after Tag\'s episode.

Nala passed out the moment that she turned around and saw what was behind her. Sig bolted over with blinding speed and caught the old woman before she could hit the ground.

"What happened?" Messia asked in a droning voice, and Sig shook his head.

,m "Doesn\'t matter, but we just scared the wits out of her; Nala will be fine," Sig said as he started to walk with the old woman in his arms.

Tag still hadn\'t moved from the spot where he stood; he was looking at his hand, pondering his actions. Had he been right to talk to Nala like that?

"I got upset because our friend here talked down to Sig like he was just a child playing at war, and then she asked if the killing was like what he thought it was going to be," Tag said to Messia after she flew over to him.

"You should watch that temper of yours. I know Sig is your brother, but some people are ignorant, and they do know what you have been through, so you can get angry without giving them a chance to understand. I know this has been hard, but keep strong for him, and support your brother, but don\'t make a scene like this again. Let\'s go," Messia said as she waved for him to follow her.

Only the bright red from Messia\'s CharBee filled the cavern now. Tag\'s light was completely gone now, and he let out a sigh as he followed her. Messia was right, and this would not be acceptable to treat anyone, especially when he was a Royal Guard for the Queen.

"Thank you, you are right, and I will do better in the future," Tag said as he started to jog as Messia picked up speed and almost caught up to Sig.

After everyone was out of the cave, Nala had woken up and then yelled at Sig to put her down as she looked around at the strangers.

"What is wrong with you all? Who is the Walking Bush and the Golden Bee Tits McGee?" Nala asked, looking around, not seeming to care that she had just passed out.

"What did you just call me?!" Beezli asked, glaring at the old snake woman and then done at her breasts that were almost spilling out of her shirt.

"This is Pelleta, and the barrel-chested Bee is Beezli. My name is Miasma, and I am one of Queen Ashia\'s Royal Wives," Miasma said as she bowed to Nala.

"So, why do you want us to join you? Not like I can make them, but I would like to speak to this Queen of yours. From what I have heard, Ashia sounds like an interesting person, so I would like to meet her," Nala asked, and Miasma nodded with a smile.

"Yes, but for now, the Queen is indisposed due to her evolution. For now, we want to start building a working foundation of trust with your people, so when Ashia Does wake up, the Snake Folk are ready to join the Hive. We think that you will all make valuable allies, and your medical and herbal knowledge will be critical in moving forward in some areas," Miasma explained, and even to her own surprise, Nala was nodding along, listening to what she had to say without any comment.

There was a long pause, and Nala looked over to the village where her people were slowly withering away. This was hard for Nala, even though she did not like to admit it; Nala cared deeply for her people.

"I think that if you can clear the caves out and prove that the monsters are really just people being controlled, then I think they might listen. The problem is how you can prove it, and I am not really sure how you will go about doing something like that. If you could catch one, but even that is a horrible idea because they are so dangerous," Nala explained, but then Tag spoke up.

"Messia, can you get Jeff to bring down a load of his Wax-nade Hex bombs? This way, we will have a way of catching them, and then we can have Miasma and the other Wives get in the other Royal Drones. I think that the six of us should be more than enough to clear it out, right?" Tag asked, looking between Miasma and Messia in the CharBee.

"And what are we supposed to do in the meantime?" Beezli asked, looking at Nala, but Nala just shrugged.

"Sit on your thumb and rotate for all I care; I am not your mother! You are a grown woman, or at least you look like one! Start acting like it!" Nala snapped at Beezli, making the Bee Goddess\'s eyes snap open so hard they damn near fell out.

"Thank you, but I don\'t think that\'s what Beezli meant. What she was asking was if there was anything more that you could think of to help make your people more responsive to our offer for everyone to join us," Pelleta explained after clamping down on Beezli\'s arm.

Beezli was drawing in a breath to let the old hag have it, but the squeeze had actually hurt a bit. Beezli pulled her arm from Pelleta and rubbed the now red spot where Pelleta\'s fingers extend and warped her arm like vines.

"I see; well, you could help me with the sick people; we are also short on water and some other basic supplies. I am sure the people would be a lot more likely to listen to someone that has their best interests at heart," Nala said as she tapped a finger to her chin.

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