Epic of Bee

Chapter 178 Final Preparations

"We have fifty-three of you here in the Hanger Bay Hex-Comb, so we need the Drones all in top shape. Gamble has sent a shipment of the new Living MECA Graft armor for them, and he sent over a special batch of the new MECAB Nectar. That is for the MechaBee\'s, but not for QBee Drone; there is a special batch that Pixie will be bringing down," Beezli explained to the gathered group of Drone specialists that she had collected.

"Don\'t forget that we need to get Serria\'s NekoBee ready as well," Pelleta said as she pointed up to the new MechaBee that Beezli had just activated.

It was very different from the other MechaBee because it looked far more Cat-like than Bee-like. It was white, with two light shades of green that attended the bikini-style armor plating.

It wrapped form from the neck to cover and then tucked under the breast area of the Drone. The things that made it Bee-like were the four wings and the five strange triple golden honeycomb hexes that floated around it in a semicircle.

"All of them will be getting upgraded, and they are going to need them from what the information Gamble sent to us says. He has almost pinpointed the location of the Predators Lair, and there is something down there, but only one thing. Whatever it is, the Drone he had sent down was destroyed before it could be any visual," Beezli explained as the workers were rushing around her and Pelleta.

"Yes, so I think that we will need everyone fighting at full strength. What if it is something that has been consumed by Lichtar? Will we be able to use the BeeBliss on them?" Pelleta asked as the two turned to head back to the Honey Gate.

"I don\'t know, since we have no visual on it, we don\'t know just how much Lichtar is going to cover whatever is there. I don\'t know how much it will take if there is a lot. Gamble is our expert on this, and he is just as new to the BeeBliss Serum as we are, so I can\'t say for sure," Beezli said as he walked through the gate and onto the Navigation Level.

The place had changed because they now had special research centers for a few different things, so there was no need to have them up here. Now, there were much more displays filled with status windows of the different things going on throughout the ship.

There was also a crew up here, but it was mostly made up of SugaBees. Raine was also up there, and she turned at the sound of Beezli\'s voice.

"Greetings Goddesses, how are things going with you all today? Did you receive the news about the possible Lair location of the Predators?" Raine asked after she bowed deeply to Beezli and Pelleta.

"Yes, and we have that all sorted out for the most part. How are things going up here? I can see that everyone seems to be settling into their places very well around the ship," Beezli mentioned as she looked around the room, seeing everyone all staying busy.

"Better than I could have ever hoped, and Will has been a great help with the ones that were having trouble trying to find the path that they wanted to choose. It is still amusing to see that giant clean so furiously, but I shouldn\'t jest. The man is being punished for saving my people\'s life… Maybe I should be out there helping him?" Raine pondered out loud, and Beezli laughed.

"Wouldn\'t that be something? The Queen\'s Killer AssassiBee and her right-hand assistant mopping floors? I could arrange it, but at the moment, I need you up here, but the main reason that I came to see you was to ask how the implantation went?" Beezli asked.

"Very good; Messia created a wonderful room where I was able to place sixty-five eggs down. It will take about a month for them to hatch, but after that, they will start coming out once every two weeks. It is a slow start, but it will slowly help bolster the population and promote Hive growth," Raine explained, and both Pelleta and Beezli nodded.

"That is a good number, and once every two weeks should be more than enough for now. Any more than that, and you will start putting stress on the Hive. We need to give time for the Hive to expand, and soon we will need more the just Nectar to expand," Pelleta explained, and Beezli nodded in conformation.


"All subjects have been given the BeeBliss Serum and are ready for the Swarm Evolution System to activate. Gamble will be here right away, and I have called all the Royal Wives up here. Everyone will be arriving at about the same time, and then it will be time to wake a sleeping Queen up earlier than planned, and I still don\'t know if this is a good idea," Hilda explained after coming out of the cloud.

"Yes, I know what you mean, but we don\'t have time to wait around for her to explore the world in her sleep! We need her back here now, everything is ready, and we even have Kena ready to speak. All we need is Ashia to wake up and kick off this operation into gear," Beezli said as People started to fill the room from the Honey Gate.

[Ashia\'s View]

I needed out of this dream or whatever it was, NOW!

"You have to wait, you haven\'t seen everything that is going on in the world, and these are things that you will need to know about," Tigra explained to me as we were going over a small village of Otter Folk.

There was nothing special about them; it was just another thing that was going on in the world. This would be fine if these scenes appeared only occasionally, but this trip had been boring for the last… I don\'t even know how long.

Time flows differently where I was, or maybe it didn\'t flow at all? It was hard to say, but the first things that I had seen were the reason for my wanting to leave.

"I know that you are worried about the other Queen and Pendra, but worrying about them will not get this over any faster," Tigra explained, but then a message popped up, and the world went black, and I was bodiless again.

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