Epic of Bee

Chapter 293 I Will Kill You Both Myself

I opened my eyes, and my view was filled with targets all around me firing on my body, but they had no effect as a shield that covered me and repelled them all. I brought my four hands in front of me with open palms and then closed my eyes and metallic black and yellow fists. I took in a mental breath, briefly thinking about when I first opened my eyes to the world below me; it was time to end this.

My eyes snapped open as my fists all struck out to the side, and I grabbed out four massive gatling guns. I ripped them out as a system message appeared in my view as I blinked from one point to another point that was fifty miles farther from Kadoen.

[Bee-Gatlin Burt Guns] Activated!

[Epic Bee Bonus: Unlimited ammunition] Activated!

I went deeper into space and outside of the bubble of ships that had surrounded me, and I could clearly see the triangular space station, the Divinity Spike. That would be my next target after I dealt with this Locust of ships.

I crossed my guns in front of me as they started to spin up, and then I pulled the triggers. An unrelenting wave of bullets sprayed out from my guns as I strafed to the side, tearing through ship after ship. The metal of the ships was shredded and pulverized as my bullets tore through them, and in the blink of an eye, I had destroyed over a hundred ships.

I continued to fire as I moved closer to the station, and soon enough, I was in range, but the ships were on top of me again, and I blinked away. I had to Bee careful where I moved to so I didn\'t accidentally fire on the station. I was shielded because I had seen some stray shots from the Sky Fold hit the starting but be absorbed by some type of shield.

I reappeared a hundred miles away, and then I started to fire again. These ships were getting annoying, so I decided to use one of the abilities that I had gotten from the Epic Bee transformation.

I opened my mouth as a large yellow ball formed in front of me, and then I swallowed it. The ball entered my stomach and started to expand as it filled up my body, making me feel bloated. A system message appeared in front of me as the expansion stopped.

[Epic Bee Ability: Bombard] Activated! [Cooldown: 5 minutes]

I would not get to use this often, but it should be useful in this situation. I thought to myself as the bloated feeling in my stomach disappeared. Another system message appeared in front of me as the ability completed its cast.

[Ability: Bombard] Launching!

I brought my hands up to my face as a large stream of yellow bees flew out of my mouth toward the station. The bees were moving so fast that they were almost a blur, and as they hit the shield around the station, they exploded into a cloud of honey.

The honey began to eat away at the shield, and I could see it weakening with each second that passed. I continued to fire on the ships as they came towards me, but I was slowly getting surrounded. I decided to use another ability to get rid of them.

I opened my mouth and breathed in deeply as a system message appeared in front of me.

[Epic Bee Ability: Vacuum] Activated! [Cooldown: 3 minutes]

I was not sure what this would do, but it seemed like it would be useful. I thought to myself as I continued to breathe in. Another system message appeared in front of me as the ability completed its cast.

[Ability: Vacuum] Launching!

A large vortex appeared in front of me as I breathed out, and the ships were pulled toward it. They were caught in the gravity of the vortex and torn apart, their metal hulls shredding under the pressure. The pieces of metal and debris were then pulled into my mouth as I continued to breathe in until there was nothing left but space dust.

The station was now unprotected without its fleet to protect it, so I decided to finish this quickly. I brought my guns up and fired a barrage at one point on the shield, causing it to buckle and collapse inward from the sheer force of bullets hitting it.

I then flew into the hole that I had created and slammed into the side of the station, and the Epic Bee started to hack into all the station\'s security. The process was much faster than I assumed it would be, but it seemed that Gamble had already hacked in himself, making my job easier; the moment I was inside, I realized there was something wrong.

"Gamble?! What is going on down there? I thought you were stopping this?" I asked as I pulled up the feed of him and two Otter Folk working in a generator room with flashing red lights.

"I did have it stopped, but that psycho path had a way of reactivating it!" Gamble growled as his fingers moved like blurs on the keyboard, he was typing on.

"Can you stop it?!" I demanded, but Gamble shook his head sadly.

"Best I can do is keep this station from blowing up! You are going to have to stop the rod from launching or take it out when it fires in less than a minute!" Gamble explained, and my mind went into overdrive as I broke from the station and then blinked to the bottom of the station.

"Tag and Sig! You two both need to get away from the Goblin Mountain! I don\'t know if I can stop the Divinity Spike!" I called out, and Tag answered.

"No can do, my most amazing Queen, and I would ask that you don\'t order us to," Tag replied.

"There are still thousands of people here, and leaving them behind is not something that we can do! They all have families and dreams, so we want them all to Bee excellent! You gave us the power to help you change the world, so you have to let us Bee excellent as well!" Sig added, but before I could tell them to stop being stupid, a warning flashed on my screen, but it was too late.

A massive spear smashed into my side, nearly tearing my metal body in half, sending me hurtling as I saw a massive black mech with a huge harpoon gun. I ripped the spear out, but the black fired another spear at me.

This time I was ready, smashing reality to pull two Beebliss Blades and my rifle, loading in Hammer Shot rounds as I deflected the spear. The black mech was still coming at me, but my body was still repairing itself, so I couldn\'t blink.

The black mech crashed into me as its harpoon gun transformed into a large maul, swinging it down at my head. I brought up my right-hand blade to deflect the blow as my left-hand blade came around and cut through one of the legs of the mech. The Beebliss metal cut like butter as it severed cleanly through the metal leg.

The Black Mech tried to swing again with its maul, but I was already gone in a blink, appearing on top of its back as it tried to turn around. It was too late, though, as I had already placed a Beacon Bomb on its back before disappearing again in another blink.

I reappeared next to the whole, and the mech exploded, but that was when Gamble called out to me. Simultaneously more Black Mech started to rise up from Kadeon\'s atmosphere with a massive red mech that looked like a certain person I had briefly seen trying to pee with clawed fingers when first hacking into the Divinity Spike. Brand.

"My Queen, I have delayed the firing for you, but you now really have less than thirty !" Gamble shouted as I looked up to see the Black Mechs and red one with clawed fingers flying towards me.

Reality shattered around me as I created a force field, my metal body hardening into its most dense state as the black rain of spears bombarded me. The Beebliss Blades turned to pure energy in my hands as they deflected every spear that came close, but it was taking its toll on my stamina.

I could not hold this forever, so I had to think of something fast, and then it hit me. If I could not defend against all these spears, then maybe I could just take them all out in one go with an area-of-effect attack. But what attack would be powerful enough?

I did not have much time to think about it as more spears were fired at me, denting my metal skin and sinking into the forcefield that was slowly weakening under the onslaught. My mind quickly went over all the abilities that I had learned from being in Epic Bee form, and then it hit me! There was one ability that would fit this perfectly!

I opened my mouth wide as a large yellow sphere formed in front of me before swallowing it whole like before when using Bombard, except this time, when the sphere entered into my stomach, instead of expanding outward; It started contracting inward, compressing itself until it was incredibly small before detonating inside Bee\'s stomach with a massive explosion!

[Ability: Grand Bomb] Used! [Cooldown: 8 hours]

The explosion blasted forward in all directions, tearing through the black mechs and sending them flying in all directions as they were ripped apart. The red mech with clawed fingers was blown away by the shockwave as well, but it quickly recovered and flew toward me.

I was momentarily fazed by the explosion, but I quickly snapped out of it as I saw the red mech coming at me. I  switched back to my gatling guns and brought them up, and fired a barrage at it, but its skin seemed to be absorbing the bullets.

"It\'s launching!" Gamble called, but that was right when Brand slammed into me, and the long rod of tungsten shot past us.

"Tag and Sig! I couldn\'t stop it! Get out of there!" I screamed, but the idiots just laughed at me.

"No can do, my most excellent Queen. Just like you, we want to protect everyone, but it has been a pleasure," Tag said cheerfully as I blasted Brand back from me and tried to blink at the rod that was just entering the atmosphere, but he had done something to me, and Brand rushed me again.

"I know that you are going to Bee excellent, my Queen, but we can just leave everyone behind. These people are ready to become your subjects, so we have to protect them and teach others to Bee excellent! I am glad to have met you, my most excellent Queen," Sig called as tears poured down my real face, and I screamed.

"You two better not die, or I will kill you both myself when this is all over!"

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