My CEO Harem Cultivation System

Chapter 145 - Arriving At Mashiro Temple

"Did you hear the news? A man is staying in this very temple!"

"That\'s atrocious—"


It was an absurd request. Most of the women who stayed in Mashiro Temple were all chaste women who dedicated their lives to follow the arts of Ao Mastery and serving the Slumbering Goddess in their own way. A good number of them had been raised in this very temple from the moment they had been born.

And various women from different nations had been staying here.

"What makes you say such a thing, Lelia?" A woman with dark hair glanced at a blonde hair girl. Most of them had lived their lives content and at peace, so the idea of a man finally arriving was strange to most.

Lelia beamed at her, "I\'ve never met a man before—"

"They\'re ugly flesh bags." Another woman commented while cleaning the temple.. She was wiping old ancient jars and urns. Others were placing freshly harvested flowers and leaves into beautiful garlands around the temple\'s pillars and entrance.

Even though not everyone was happy with the news of a man coming, it was still expected that they would clean and decorate their place in order to usher in their new arriving sister. It was the High Priestess words, and all women of the temple followed her rules.

"Don\'t listen to her—"

"Scum. When I went to the city, some even dared to look me in the eye." One twin passed by, the louder one, Rei flicked out her fan and covered her face. Her golden eyes gleaming behind the fan. "I couldn\'t help but stab him in the eye to make sure he learned his lesson."

"You did that?" Leila\'s mouth hung open.

"I had to spare his life according to the orders of the High Priestess." Rei explained with mild disgust. "I do not understand why some women have male consorts when I find no reason to find solace in their presence."

It wasn\'t as if this notion was shared by every woman in the temple, but most stayed silent lest they stir up discontent with the more powerful woman.

But such an atmosphere would end when Mitsuko started walking down the main hallway, garbed in more colorful robes. "They are coming today, I shall meet with them at the gates."


The forest trees provided Li Yang and Setsuko enough shade and cool air while they walked underneath them to head to the temple. The woman ahead of him was carrying a small bag slung across her shoulders, still wearing the hunter outfit she had when the two of them had met.

He himself was garbed in robes he had bought. His own clothing packed in his own bag while Li Yang kept his sword sheathed at his side.

There was a certain gait that Setsuko was taking—it was the nervous one, rushed and hurried. She was taking fast and long strides.

"Miss Setsuko—"

"That\'s Lady Setsuko to you." She threw him a look, but it was more frantic than anything. Despite her holding the scroll containing their relationship as \'Lady and Consort\', her heart pounded so hard that she was almost afraid he would hear it.

"Lady Setsuko, don\'t leave me behind." He reached out and held the sleeve of her top. "If you keep looking like that, it would make it seem like I am the source of your agony."

She averted her gaze and looked forward. "Carry my bag then."


With no delays, she handed it over to him, and then she punched the air. Somehow, it was something he expected a boxer to do before a match, but seeing her do it right now… it was perhaps to abate her nervous energy.

Li Yang watched her silently.

Before the two of them had left the Kin Hunters, she showed herself as a poised woman ready to handle the circumstance in front of them. Setsuko even made a promise to return as a powerful ally to her friends, albeit most of them cheered her and him on to reach new peaks in life.

"Take me as a consort too…" Li Yang muttered underneath his breath and remembered another man telling it to her before they had left. It had almost been pitiful until the man only laughed it out with the others and waved them off.

Setsuko stopped her fluid jabs to give him a look. "That was Tadao."

"I see," Li Yang said. He hadn\'t exactly gotten the chance to learn every member\'s names before he shrugged and stepped forward. "Are you done, Lady Setsuko? We shouldn\'t keep the temple waiting."

Setsuko hooked her arm over his. "Wait just a second, Yang."

"What is it?" Li Yang raised a brow at her. It seemed like she had recovered from her anxiety and it made him glad, but they were going to be late for the entrance meeting if they delayed. It would not look good on paper if they were.

She frowned at him. "At least act a little more jealous."

"Hmm… why?"

Setsuko gave him a shrug, although she chewed on her bottom lip for a second. "I don\'t know, I think most consorts are supposed to be like that—clinging to their Lady and saying, \'I\'m your favorite consort, right Lady Setsuko? Let me rub your feet right now.\' or something along those lines. Your attitude doesn\'t really fit with the idea of being a consort."

He tilted his head. "It\'s a strange notion, I think only a man insecure of his position will do something like that. I have no reason to be at odds with him when I\'m quite aware that you chose me for this role."

Setsuko stared at the somewhat befuddled expression of the man in front of her. "I… well, I guess you\'re right. But most women like it when men are fighting over them, especially those of their consorts."

"Let us consider it while we head to the temple, Lady Setsuko," Li Yang said and walked with her, one of her hands resting on his arm. "I believe the reason most people, of either sexes prefer to see that spectacle is because they think it is entertaining?"

"Er… I always assumed it was because it affirmed their attractiveness."

"I suppose that\'s also another thing—but then it once again reflects that it isn\'t the men fighting for you are what you care about. Instead, you only wish to be pleased with yourself," he said.

Setsuko pursed her lips. "Aren\'t you so intelligent to figure that out… do you want a head pat, Yang?"

"That\'s a little patron—" he paused once her hand gently patted him.

She had already stood up on her tiptoes just to do this act. One might have expected a smirk on her face, but she had a careful look on her face as she placed her hand on his head. "You\'re pretty great for figuring it out. This Lady is pleased with her consort very much."

Unbeknownst to him, but somewhat blatant to Setsuko—she was giving excuses to touch him. And she was trying so hard not to make it obvious, even as she felt her cheeks inflame with heat. Somehow it was very relieving to be at his side and just be close to his presence, but even better to touch him no matter how briefly.

However, it would be a terrible thing to admit.

Were these the effects of getting awakened by him? Setsuko thought that the other women awakened were forced to follow their Awakener through some dominion contract enforced upon them whilst awakening… but as far as she knew, the man did no such thing.

He had no idea either.

Setsuko blushed at the closeness the two of them were in. She even sneaked a peak at the man\'s chest, and she idly wondered if he was doing the same… except she wasn\'t actually wearing attractive clothes that made her figure obvious, did it?

When the woman stopped, Li Yang himself had blushed. It wasn\'t exactly unpleasant, maybe just too much coddling—but, not really unpleasant. He cleared his throat and said, "I do not think such a notion deserved praise. We are merely contemplating on it together, but shall we keep going?"

"Ah, yes. Let\'s go, we can\'t keep the Priestesses waiting for us."

In rare instances between silent and curt answers, sometimes he would end up talking more.

Ying Yue He had already pointed out the fact that he did this when he was embarrassed, and perhaps he was. But so was she—the woman had a flushed color on her face, and even around her neck. He didn\'t think that she would become so red like that…unless—no, it was strange to consider it.

But he had already seen it at various times, when he had slept with Taiga. She flushed as heavily as Setsuko. He hadn\'t been so sure when it was with Bo Lifen since it was darker and Bai Minghua or Narissa was done in water so it could have prevented much reddening of the skin.

Physiological responses.

It was nothing to be embarrassed about, but he and Setsuko haven\'t even gotten remotely sexual… except for when he awakened her. She had told him it was extremely intimate for her. Was that the cause for her sudden change in attitude around him?

Her initial treatment of him was relaxed even though a tad authoritative, but now she was embarrassed around him. Even a tad affectionate? The head pat was surprising until now.

"What are you thinking about now?" Setsuko asked.

"Hmm, nothing. I\'m glad that we\'ve arrived, Lady Setsuko." Li Yang looked up to see the original three women who had met him at the inn.

Mitsuko clasped her hands together, her long sleeve robes hiding them as she bowed with the twins. "Welcome to Mashiro Temple, a paradise and sanctuary on land—we are glad that you have made it here, Setsuko Hirayama."

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