My CEO Harem Cultivation System

Chapter 175 - Moving Forward (4)

The mountain\'s cliffs rumbled and tore away as the Yeti rushed in anger at its enemy frozen to ice, unbeknownst of the frost and rocky foundations giving out—

Li Yang\'s qi shot out of his body, ice fractals dispersed into the air as he rushed to the safer end. The propulsion of innate energy pushed him forward like a jet. His sword lashed out as he left his position, and the blade cut and extended at a range far greater than his own.

Sword qi.

This time, the creature dropped to its knees as the slash struck behind them. But it was far from finished, the attack still failed to pierce the creature\'s strength. The ground instead fully cracked open like a crater and separated the two of them.

A moment of understanding dawned on its face.

The Yeti fell into the plunging ravine of death and ice, a feral howl emanated from it as it dropped to its death. Its screams pierced and caused more ice to fall, until one could no longer hear it..

Li Yang grabbed his head and sighed. Shaking off the remainder of ice that clung to his skin, there was only one thing in his mind between the pounding in his chest and the adrenaline that emerged through his blood.

"I wonder what kind of Beast Core it would have—a pity."

However, the System still registered its death as one of the man\'s own. Li Yang eyed the screen with a bit of wariness.

[ Rampage of the Beast - II ]

Go on a killing spree and defeat two-hundred and fifty enemies. Host had killed sixty-eight enemies (68/250)

Unlike earth, this place seemed like the perfect place to fulfill conditions and achievements placed by the System in order to train him. But he was far from even getting half of the number required. And yet, he was barely far from reaching the top of the mountain. The wisps of the blizzard clung more thicker above him.

He had been here for who knew how many hours?

While it was difficult to see the sun, and it felt like his surroundings were growing darker, the man knew it was far from over. His lips felt cold and he rubbed his face once more.

The current robes he wore didn\'t protect him from the winds, and while he used a thin layer of qi to protect himself as a blanket might do, he still found himself slowing down during fights and readjusting his footing for slippery terrains. He only managed to defeat the creature by chance.

But as he scaled up, they started to become smarter, didn\'t they? It was a necessary thing if they wished to survive the cold. His environment was harsh and unfriendly to those not living in it.

He scowled momentarily and looked above him. Perhaps it was best that he returned down to acquire more equipment fit for the cause? He had already collected around fifty plus Beast Cores. This was more than enough to consider his visit here a success and well-worth it. A vast majority of them were bigger than the ones he\'d obtained in the forest or from Priestess Rei.

It was decided. There was always next time—

The System\'s screen shimmered in front of him and showcased several items and skills fit for his current troubles. It didn\'t communicate with him as much as it did before and no longer assessed him as weak and based it on a universal scale—but its ways of providing him what he needed was almost sinisterly intuitive.

While he knew that he no longer had the gaze of the Heavens on him. He wondered about the Moderator briefly as he scanned and quickly scrolled through numerous items. He checked their capabilities and prices.

[ Points Shop ]

Arctic Clothes

Blossoming Spring Seeds

Catcher of Fire

Deer Fur




Robes of Heat

Sunshine Staff

Trees of Telriah

Yukata of Warmth

Zen Mode (temporary)

If this wasn\'t enough of a nudge to a certain direction then the Side Quest that generated itself was the one that finished it off. 

[ Specially Generated Side Quest ]

[ Ascension to the Peak ]

What was at the top of the mountain? Treasures unimaginable. Enemies of extreme vengeance. Power source enough to light a miniature moon.

Ascend to the peak and discover them all.

[ Reward: ??? ]

Li Yang ground his teeth at the second to the last line. Power source? Was it possible to use that instead of absorbing many Beast Cores? What could actually be in the mountains for him to use as a power source? 

Several questions scoured his mind, and yet there was a certain tug of certainty that befell him. It was always safer to have an emergency exit than to leave things to fate. The Panda Bao was arriving and whilst he may have oddly missed the constant yappering of the creature, it did not mean he was willing to return as an entertainment piece of the gods.


"Wait! I\'m coming with you guys!"

Setsuko Hirayama caught up easily with Mitsuko and the other Priestesses. All of them used Ao to move faster across the territory of the forest and reach their destination.

There were about twenty of them in number that were assigned to the task of finding Li Yang. And while Setsuko was told to stay in place, to wait for his arrival and be reassured that they would do everything to find them—she chased after the group much to the annoyance of the others.

It meant that she was faster at them if they had had about thirty minutes of a head start. But it was mostly because they were conserving energy for them once they arrived at the mountains.

Mitsuko narrowed her eyes at the stubborn woman. "It\'s too dangerous!"

"I don\'t care," Setsuko said and stared at the much higher ranked Priestess. "What are the chances that you\'ll find him amongst the mountain? You need me to be there. I can sense him."

Mitsuko rolled her eyes. "You didn\'t notice him leaving before, did you?"

"I… I was concentrating on studying, but now that I\'m free to do things. It\'s like there\'s a certain thread between us two—he\'s too far away now, but I can only tug myself forward to find him. Setsuko Hirayama said and finally glowered at the women, her Ao spilling out like a wave.

What she didn\'t have in practice, she made it up by quality and sheer quantity of Ao.

High Priestess Rhelea had forbidden Setsuko to join and the other Priestesses shared a look between one another. Were they going to capture Setsuko and have  about two of them bring her back to the Mashiro Temple? 

Maybe four?

There was a touch of wariness in them. If Setsuko evaded the others in the temple, then how difficult would it be for them to subdue her without harming a touch of her head.

"Fine," Mitsuko said.

It was an unspoken promise. The two of them were going to find him and bring him back to the temple. There was no doubt and hesitation at all. Whether it was out of a desire to keep him at her side, or whether to assure his safety and talk some sense into him about the dangers of it all… both women had made their choice.


Li Yang was a man who liked to conserve things. He wasn\'t that great of a risk-taker, and when he did make some decisions that were somewhat questionable—it was because of a certain sense, determination that made the risks feel as if it were worth it.

The seed in his hand was extremely tiny, warm and truly felt like spring. He dug out some of the snow and then placed it in frozen and arid ground.

It was silly to do this and it felt stupid.

A small twig with a leaf first sprouted and then continued to grow, growing thicker and twisting around as it soared and then pierced through the mists of ice and the blizzard. There was no sunshine, warmth or even water for it to grow. But he had read the further instructions and made his decision.

[ Blossoming Spring Speeds ]

Specially cultivated seeds to conquer and produce the greatest of gardens for its user. The essence and nature of spring emerges from each seed, especially nourished to grow despite whatever environment. 

It comes in three powerful spring variants. Flowers. Vines. Trees.

While he was no boy searching for a giant, and had no desire to meet one, he chose the third option. The tree was the fastest way for him to ascend—the man scaled up the branches and trunk,  avoiding the several rockier terrains he might have needed to go up to reach the top faster.

And so it became good, until several winged creatures attacked him.  The eagle from earlier was large, but these ones were small and darted past him quicker. He one handedly slashed them with his sword and felled a couple of them down.

The rest quickly flew away in fear. Li Yang\'s clothing helped stave away the cold, while the tree itself was also very warm already.

Higher and higher he ascended.

The Achievement Quest of Rampage of the Beast - II was temporarily on hold. Instead, he\'d reach the top. Unaware of what actually awaited him at the top.


Author\'s Note: This chapter is rather oof. While I had big plans, my health took a sudden turn for the worst and here we are. I may have slightly overestimated the innate strength I have, and while I\'ll do my best to reach the end of May, I might end up taking a break to recover. People who happen to read Races: Online are familiar with it. Thank you for reading!

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