The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fared Consort

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Mo Cong\'s Identity

In her memory of her previous life, although Wang Zi Ling had garnered the top score in the imperial examinations, the Emperor had only appointed him to a previously vacant sixth-rank court position as Shi Du, one of the officials tasked with compiling, editing and reviewing the literature and history of the dynasty, in addition to tutoring duties. After this, for some unknown reason, he had made no further contribution or advancement. However, Jiang Ruan had once heard Eighth Prince say that, although this person\'s talent and learning were outstanding, it was also clear that his field of knowledge was rather narrow. Moreover, he was fond of seeking connections with those in power. Although, in the capital, the Wang family were considered members of the nobility, in truth, they no longer lived up to their name and were considered nothing but empty vessels.

There was no need to talk about Jiang Chao. In contrast to him, Mo Cong was highly talented. His father, Mo daren, was the Minister of the Imperial clan[1], and Mo Cong was the youngest son. He was gregarious, excitable and inclined to have less regard for propriety, which could admittedly cause headaches for others. However, his opinions on political affairs were considerably advanced, and must have sounded fresh to the Emperor who had to constantly listen to the safe and conventional views of his gaggle of court officials. After Mo Cong placed second in the imperial examination, he was appointed as a fourth-rank junior minister in the Ministry of Horses[2], where he was only two ranks lower than his father. Mo Cong was friendly towards others, and he received favour from the different factions in the imperial court. With someone like this, it was difficult to ascertain which faction he supported, and it could be said that he was neutral. In her past life, he gave the Eighth Prince endless headaches.

[1] Zong zheng ( 宗正 ) - Minister of the Imperial Clan, one of Imperial China\'s Nine Ministers, who managed royal affairs (including managing unruly Imperial kinsmen and maintaining their genealogy). It was established from the Qin Dynasty and it usually was a close trusted relative of the royal family. Read more about the Nine Ministers.

[2] Tai pu si ( 太仆寺 ) - the office in ancient China responsible for the breeding,

raising and training of horses.

Of course, neither of these two could compare with Liu Min, who had managed to quietly surpass both of them. The Emperor[3], unlike others, did not believe that one became more muddle-headed as one grew older. He was highly suspicious by nature. Not only that, in order to maintain a firm grasp over his court, he often acted unpredictably. While Mo Cong and Wang Zi Ling had the support of their long-standing families, Liu Min was born dirt-poor. Moreover, he was upright and plainspoken when he interacted with others. This kind of person could be appointed to a position without cause for concern. Liu Min was also highly talented. Thus, this young upstart in the imperial court very quickly became the most trusted official by the Emperor\'s side. If, in this lifetime, Jiang Ruan managed to win over such an important person, it would be tantamount to having someone speak on her behalf in the palace.

[3] Jiu wu zhi jun ( 九五之尊 ) - 九 is nine (9); 五 is five (5). In ancient China, numbers were divided into positive and negative numbers. Odd numbers were positive, and even numbers were negative. Among the positive numbers, nine is the

highest and five is in the middle. Therefore, \'nine\' and \'five\' symbolise the authority of the emperor.

Most importantly, during that earlier time, Liu Min had steadfastly supported the Crown Prince. He placed great importance on tradition, customs and ceremonies, and turned a blind eye to the friendly advances of Eighth Prince. However, circumstances would only be in Liu Min\'s favour in three years\' time, and a lot could happen in three years. What Jiang Ruan wanted to do was to help this future Imperial Grand Tutor, who was currently living in poverty, so that his golden opportunity would arrive sooner.

Seeing that Jiang Ruan was still sunk in contemplation, Lu Zhu pursed her lips and spoke abruptly, as if she had suddenly remembered something. "There is some good news. Zhou momo woke up today, and she looks like she is in much better spirits."

From the time Zhou momo had fainted previously, Jiang Ruan had ordered Bai Zhi and Lian Qiao to look after her. However, she had not regained consciousness, and they did not know whether it was due to the recurrence of some old malady. On hearing this news, Jiang Ruan\'s facial expression relaxed somewhat, and she said, "That is indeed wonderful. I will visit her."

* * *

The night sky was full of lanterns which had been hung up to mark the passing of the year, but had yet to be put away. They brightened the normally pitch-black night with a warm, red glow. Ordinary people strolled along the streets, and the pavilioned stages temporarily erected by travelling performance groups could be seen in all directions. It was extraordinarily lively.

In Dong Feng Lou, the purple and gold, pearl-beaded curtain separating the private room from the rest of the establishment was lowered. It concealed the doorway securely even as it occasionally flickered with dazzling brilliance.

Within the room, a single person leaned against the window, indifferently looking down at the hustle and bustle of the crowds below. The lamp light shone on his profile, which was as elegant as a jade carving. His long eyelashes were lowered, so that no one was able to clearly read the emotion in his eyes. His clothes were as dark as night, but they were unable to conceal his cold temperament, or his innate grace and elegance.

The curtain was abruptly lifted as a nobleman in green clothes walked in. He was handsome and upright, and his face was wreathed in smiles. To the young nobleman clad in black, he said, "Aiya, I have not seen you for a long time. Why are you in such a rush this time?"

The black-clad youth made no move despite the other\'s entrance, and only said, "The Emperor does not know."

"You are the only person under the heavens who dares to flout imperial decrees so brazenly," the green-clad gentleman said as he sat at the table in the middle of the room. He poured himself a cup of tea and drained it in one gulp before sighing. "If only you\'d arrived earlier, I wouldn\'t have had to eat and drink in the company of that bunch from the Imperial Academy." This person was Mo Cong.

The black-clad youth shook his head, and asked, "How was the preliminary round of the imperial examination?"

"It was all right. I should be able to muddle my way into the top three." Contrary to what one might expect, Mo Cong was not in the least concerned. A sudden thought came to him, and he said, with pity in his voice, "Ah, it\'s a shame about Liu Min. Such talent and scholarship. If he were not so obstinate, I would actually consider befriending him. If I am reading Chancellor Chen correctly, I am afraid Liu Min is going to unfairly lose out to Jiang Chao."

"Jiang Chao?" The black-clad youth\'s brows knitted slightly.

On seeing him like this, Mo Cong explained, "He is the son of Official Jiang Quan in the Ministry of War. Jiang Quan is really amazing to have such a son who is this capable and spirited. Not a day passes when he doesn\'t vex me. And, I have no idea what Jiang Quan is teaching his son, but a few days ago the entire capital was abuzz with talk of the business regarding the Jiang fu\'s di daughter, but Jiang Quan was still in the mood to fiddle with his son\'s affairs. Really amazing!"

The torrent of information that gushed forth from Mo Cong was met with no response, so he inadvertently glanced up at his good friend. He noticed that the black-clad youth was seemingly deep in thought, so he said, "I heard Ye Feng say that you had asked him to make enquiries regarding a young lady recently." Teasingly, he asked, "Which family is she from? Do I know her?"

The black-clad youth paid no attention to his teasing but his expression became colder. Mo Cong touched his nose. Although he looked embarrassed, he could not stop himself from saying, "You don\'t have to be shy, there is nothing to be bashful about. When we talk about other things, you outclass me, but when we talk about the relations between men and women, you are my inferior. Another day, why don\'t I take you to a drinking party with female entertainers? That new girl at Cui Wei Lou is as elegant as the moon, and very gentle . . ." While speaking, Mo Cong stole a glance at his good friend\'s face. It looked as if the other party had not heard even a single word he had said, and he sighed again. "With your personality, I honestly have no clue what kind of person would catch your discerning eye. As far as I can see, the capital\'s beauties are all too common for you. Only someone who shocks all of society will be suitable."

On hearing this, the black-clad youth\'s expression changed slightly. The memory of that night at the temple floated up in his mind; that young lady in plain cotton clothes, smacking of poverty, her appearance which was exceptionally splendid under the moonlight, and the satisfied smile with which she had surveyed the corpse-filled ground, in contrast to her ice-cold eyes. The next time they met, her red clothes were fluttering in the wind, and she was like a mysterious fireball with the Shen fu\'s secrets within her grasp.

From his investigations, Ye Feng had confirmed that it was this girl\'s first visit to the Shen fu. There was absolutely no way she could have known about Shen fu\'s secrets, but he did not know what remarkable ability she possessed. Rumour had it that the di daughter of the Jiang clan was weak and yielding, but he had seen for himself that this was completely untrue. Who was she, really?

Mo Cong looked at him in surprise. "What are you thinking of, that you\'d be so lost in thought?"

The black-clad youth came back to himself to some degree, and said indifferently, "Nothing. Lao Ba[4] has been keeping close company with the Prime Minister of late. There\'s a lot that is fishy about the preliminary examination- you\'d better be extra careful."

[4] T/N : As explained previously, \'lao\' = old, but it is also a form of address for someone older than oneself (usually from the older generation), and denotes a degree of familiarity. It can be used derisively, which may be the case here, as I suspect Lao Ba refers to Eighth Prince. (\'ba\' = eight\').

"The controls have tightened in recent days as well." The smile vanished from Mo Cong\'s face, and his expression turned serious. "My sister says that, lately, the Yang family has been behaving really overbearingly in the palace. Is this the beginning? Ah[5] Shao, why don\'t you transfer some \'Jin Yi Guards[6]\' to me; at present, something is not right in the Imperial Academy, and I am uneasy about Jiang Chao."

[5] Ah ( 阿 ) - used in addressing those close to oneself e.g. someone named \'Ming Rui\' would be addressed as \'Ah Rui\'.

[6] Jin Yi Guards (锦衣卫) - 锦 = brocade, 衣 = clothes, 卫 = guard.

The black-clad youth pursed his lips. "All right." After a pause, he added, "And keep a close eye on the Jiang family."

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Translated by : shl

Edited by : Anks & Ely

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