The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fared Consort

Chapter 88.1

Chapter 88.1

In the General fu.

Zhao Guang stared intently at the letter before him. Zhao Yuan Jia and his two siblings, along with Zhao Yi, stood on either side, with identical serious expressions.

After quite a while, Zhao Guang heaved a long sigh and said, "Let\'s just do what\'s written in the letter."

"Zufu," Zhao Yi said in surprise. "Even if what Biaomei said previously is correct, if she should be wrong this time, the Zhao family will not be able to bear the consequences and accusations of sending out troops due to a private message."

"I believe that child." Ever since Jiang Ruan visited the General fu and disclosed the inside story of Zhao Mei\'s mistreatment, Zhao Guang seemed to have aged by a decade. This General, who was normally in robust spirits, now bore an expression which hinted at hidden hardship.

"Don\'t worry," Zhao Yuan Ping said unexpectedly, with a laugh. "Not only does this situation concern us, she has even called upon Eldest Nephew into the action, so she would never put her dage in a compromising situation. Our Zhao family is a family of high-ranking military officials; there is nothing amiss if a situation should suddenly arise which requires us to call a small section of our troops to duty. If nothing actually transpires, we can plead that we were misled by an anonymous and maliciously sent letter; if something does happen, then we would have rescued a large group of citizens. Whatever the case, our gain will be more than any possible loss."

Zhao Yuan Ping, as the most astute Zhao family male, had the custom of scrutinising the pros and cons of every situation. It made him seem like a shrewd businessman, but no one had ever doubted his way of looking at things. Since he and Zhao Guang had spoken in this manner, no one else expressed an opinion on the matter. A decision was thus made.

"If you send troops to Bo Chang Reservoir tonight, by daybreak tomorrow, Eighth Prince will also have sent men to defend it. Don\'t confront them in open conflict, just kill them all in the shortest possible time," Zhao Guang said to Zhao Yuan Jia.

"Won\'t that bring us into direct conflict with Eighth Prince?" Zhao Yuan Jia frowned as he continued, "I\'m afraid that incurring hatred in this direct way bodes ill for the future. Until now, the General fu has maintained a neutral position in the imperial court by not seeking favour, but also by not rejecting it when bestowed, either. However, after tonight, we will be in conflict with Xuan Li. Henceforth, when we meet, the atmosphere between us will be hostile[1], and who knows how many casualties there will be."

[1] Dao guang jian ying (刀光剑影 ) - lit. the glint and flash of cold steel; heated combat.

"So, if we yield, he will simply let the General fu go?" Zhao Guang asked in response. "Go on, just do what the letter says."

Zhao Yuan Jia and the others exchanged glances, following which, they seemed to come to an agreement and exited the study. Once alone, Zhao Guang once again dropped his gaze to the letter before him. In her letter, Jiang Ruan had asked them to dispose of all of Eighth Prince\'s men quickly and efficiently. No one was to be spared, and they were not to be given the opportunity to seek external aid. Naturally, he understood Jiang Ruan\'s reason for making this request. If Xuan Li\'s subordinates were given the opportunity to call in other people, Xuan Li would undoubtedly not allow the Zhao family to move the citizens from the lower reaches of the reservoir to another location.

As for quietly dispatching all of Eighth Prince\'s men, if the reservoir really did collapse on the second day, there was the great chance of saying that all the bodies had been swept away. Since dead men tell no tales, Xuan Li would only be able to keep his suspicions and grievances to himself, and suffer in silence. Zhao Guang sighed deeply. He admired Jiang Ruan\'s ingenious mind, and was also astonished at the decisiveness with which she ordered a kill. However, she was still so young. When Zhao Yu Long and Zhao Fei Zhou were her age, they had been innocent and naive youngsters who had never even tasted anxiety.

There were too many mysterious things about Jiang Ruan which the General could not fathom, but he did not intend to compel her to tell him more. If there should be a day when Jiang Ruan truly accepted them as her close relatives, there would be no need to ask, for she would tell them of her own volition. However, he did not know if there would ever be such a day.

The scene in the General fu was thus. Naturally, in the Jiang fu, the situation was different.

On his way back to the fu, Jiang Xin Zhi had spotted a vendor selling furong steamed cakes[2] and bought several slices for Jiang Ruan. When Zhao Mei was still alive, Jiang Ruan had loved eating the furong steamed cakes sold in Yang Liu Lane. Through the years, the lane had undergone much change, but the couple who sold the cakes were still there. When they saw Jiang Xin Zhi, they recognised him straightaway, and even laughingly chided him for not bringing his younger sister to visit them after so many years.

[2] Fu rong zheng gao (芙蓉蒸糕) - Fu Rong is a district in Changsha, Hunan, and also means \'Hibiscus\'. This seems to be a steamed sponge cake found in the northeast region of China, and which probably incorporates hibiscus in some form. Here\'s a link to the recipe in case anyone wants to try.

As Jiang Xin Zhi recalled this encounter, he shook his head and laughed. Jiang Ruan received the cakes from him and placed them to one side. She looked at Jiang Xin Zhi and said, with a small smile, "Dage, be more careful tonight."

Jiang Xin Zhi was wearing a traditional long gown in deep blue, embroidered with pine trees. He looked so cultured and refined, yet, under that soft and genteel gown was his impenetrable military armor. Tonight, there would be an attack. Although it was not the same as the bold and decisive manoeuvres on a battlefield, it would still be immeasurably dangerous. He laughed and rubbed Jiang Ruan\'s head as he said, "I understand. So, in your heart, your dage is such an incompetent person?"

Jiang Ruan also smiled slightly as she took in the warmth of Jiang Xin Zhi\'s gaze. She propped up her chin with one hand, and with a rarely observed playfulness of tone said, "In my heart, Dage will forever be the epitome of manliness, a man with an indomitable[3] spirit."

[3] Ding tian li di ( 顶天立地 ) - lit. able to hold up both the heavens and the earth; fig. an indomitable spirit, dauntless.

When Jiang Xin Zhi had been informed of Jiang Ruan\'s plan, he had agreed without any objection. This despite the fact that he had never even considered whether or not there would be heavy rainfall the next day, or why the dam would actually collapse. Whatever Jiang Ruan said, he agreed with. On this earth, perhaps Jiang Xin Zhi was the only person who would trust her unconditionally, and was willing to do his utmost to accede to every one of her requests.

"Dage stole General Guan\'s official seal, but you don\'t have to send too many troops, just a small number will do," Jiang Ruan said. "However, after the event, General Guan will definitely be furious, Dage . . . will probably feel greatly wronged for a while."

In her previous life, she had seldom caught a glimpse of the Emperor while in the palace. She had only heard Xuan Li say that the Emperor was highly suspicious by nature. The Zhao family was one of the founding families of the nation, and ever since their return to the capital city many years prior, they had amassed great power and influence. Although the Emperor still seemed to look fondly towards this \'revered\' family, who could tell how genuine and sincere his thoughts were. However, Guan Liang Han was different. Firstly, he had been away for a long time defending the frontier regions and had very little contact with the influential forces in the capital city. Secondly, he was somewhat straightforward and outspoken by nature, which is why the Emperor had such trust in him.

After her plan succeeded, depending on the Zhao family\'s meritorious contributions would not be enough, Guan Liang Han would have to be involved as well. If they could establish a connection with Guan Liang Han, the Emperor would be inclined to view them with greater lenience. Moreover, if Jiang Xin Zhi were to step in personally, this would have great advantages for his future official career.

People always say that one should rise upward one step at a time, and not act with undue haste. Jiang Xin Zhi had already been promoted to Deputy General, as well as achieved great military merit. If preventing a flood by controlling the water saved thousands of lives in the lower reaches of the reservoir, it would naturally be an act worthy of reward. In this way, the first step would be taken into the highest echelon of power in the Great Jin dynasty, and he would certainly stand higher than others.

While Jiang Xin Zhi was doing this for her, she was also paving the way for him.

Moreover, the first course of action would be to tread on the flesh and blood of the Grand Councilor fu in order to advance.

* * *

The Eighth Prince fu in the capital city.

Xuan Li sat at the table and sipped leisurely from the cup of tea in his hands. Li An had spoken to him for the entire afternoon. He saw that the next day would be the \'third day\' that the monk had spoken of, but the rain was gradually becoming lighter, and seemed to be almost stopping entirely.

His brow slowly smoothed out. This manoeuvre of Fifth Prince was absolutely useless. After tomorrow, the minister in charge of recording the flood controls would report this matter to the imperial court, his popularity among the common people would rocket, and he would garner even more supporters in court. Once he finally put that monk he had placed under house arrest in jail for interrogation by torture, if he could get him to supply Fifth Prince\'s name, then everything would be perfect.

However, what Li An had said still rang in his ears. "Your Highness must not underestimate the eldest di daughter of the Jiang family. That girl is deceitful and cunning, and is merciless when taking action. If you leave her alone, she will be a huge thorn in your side in future. If you can hold on to her and use her, she might be of great assistance to you."

He was not sure what Li An had been hinting at. A faintly smiling face came to mind of an immature and inexperienced[4] girl. How was it possible that she would be someone who could render \'great assistance\'?

[4] Ru xiu wei gan ( 乳臭未干 ) - lit. the smell of mother\'s milk has not yet dried; still wet behind the ears, immature and inexperienced.

Xuan Li sneered slightly. He did not know why, but he felt a hint of unease. His subordinate entered the room and said, "Your Highness, the reservoir has been inspected and everything is in order. Soldiers have been sent to keep watch, and nothing unusual has been reported."

Xuan Li waved his hand. "You may leave."

He had ordered a troop of soldiers to position themselves near the reservoir in order to thwart any potential action, so everything was absolutely foolproof. After quite a while later, he tamped down the unsettled feeling in his heart and gradually started to smile.

They were nothing but a troupe of prancing clowns so there was no need to waste time thinking about them.

* * *

In another quiet and secluded courtyard in the capital city, several men dressed as imperial bodyguards were guarding the gate. Within the room, the fragrant steam from a cup of tea spiraled up like incense. A yellow-robed monk was silently reciting Buddist texts as he sat facing the window.

This person\'s appearance was tranquil despite his volatile situation, and he possessed the bearing of a senior monk. In the midst of his recitation, he suddenly stopped, and his eyes flew open.

The imperial bodyguards had not slackened in guarding the gate as night approached. Under the curtain of darkness, it was hard to see clearly. In the light of the red lanterns hanging from the eaves, one could make out the floating drizzle of fine rain, so fine that it almost seemed to disappear

It looked as if the rain was about to stop.

As Hui Jue silently watched the rain, he slowly stretched his fingers which had been tightly clutching his prayer beads. His perspiration had pooled in his palm.

After tonight, if the heavy downpour did not arrive as predicted, he understood more clearly than anyone else what awaited him.

These past few days, every once in a while, someone would come and speak to him. Although these persons\' manner of speech was mild, there was an undertone of threat and a subtle pressure. He could only feign ignorance. Unexpectedly, they did not make things difficult for him.

Xuan Li was the kind of person who placed great importance on reputation. Until tomorrow, he would treat Hui Jue with all due respect. After tomorrow, Hui Jue would become the bringer of disaster, the evil monk who had lost all popular sympathy, and no punishment would be too excessive for him.

Hui Jue narrowed his eyes slightly. This was all a game, and it seemed to him that he was on the verge of losing.

However, he had no choice but to endure. If he were to change his tune now, whoever was behind Jiang Ruan would inevitably vent his anger on his son.

He once again closed his eyes and slowly, very slowly, silently recited the sacred texts.

* * *

In the Jinying Wang fu.

Xiao Shao silently perused the letter in his hand as the pigeon on his table cooed, gu gu, gu gu.

After some time, he said, "Take my official seal, and ask General Guan to come here."

A Jin Yi guard received the order and left. Xiao Shao stretched out his hand and tapped the letter with slender fingers, his eyes cold and detached.

Jiang Xin Zhi, Zhao Yuan Jia?

The continuous rain seemed to have cleansed the night sky over the capital city. In particular, as the rain had decreased in severity over recent days, tonight\'s sky was exceedingly clear and limpid, as if, in the very next second, a luminous moon would be seen hanging from the branches of the willow tree by the lake.

The area surrounding Bo Chang reservoir was tranquil and without movement. The barely discernible raindrops fell lightly on the surface of the water, setting off shallow waves, just like the tender and intimate chat between two lovers.

Armed imperial bodyguards were patrolling the edge of the reservoir, while the people in the lower reaches of the reservoir had already entered dreamland.

Into this still and silent scene, from a distance, came the sudden sound, \'pu tong\', as if something had dropped into the water. One of the imperial bodyguards, who was standing by the water\'s edge, lifted up his sleepy eyes to say to the person next to him, "What was that sound just now?"

His companion waved his hand and said, "I don\'t know, why don\'t you go have a look."

The imperial bodyguard rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he moved forwards until he reached the place where the sound had originated. He peered into the depths and exclaimed, "What\'s going on?"

A faint shimmer of ripples disturbed the surface of the water. By the feeble light of the torch, it looked as if there was something there. The imperial bodyguard brought his torch closer to the surface of the water and bent over to take a better look. Suddenly, he felt something cold against his neck, but before his brain could come to any realisation, his body had already collapsed.

The new arrival dragged him to one side and swiftly peeled off his clothes and put them on before taking up the torch.

After a while, the other imperial bodyguard saw his comrade whom he had sent off to investigate the sound returning slowly.

"Why did it take you so long? What was it just now?" the imperial bodyguard asked.

The returning imperial bodyguard only shook his head and yawned.

"Be careful, if someone finds out that you dozed off while on night duty, you and I will be in trouble," the first imperial bodyguard said unhappily.

The returning imperial bodyguard moved his torch forward lazily, so that only the faintest glimmer of light fell on his face, which thus remained indistinct.

The first imperial bodyguard carried on with his garrulous speech, when he suddenly felt that something was amiss and turned his head sharply. "Something\'s not right! You are not . . ."

The sound stopped abruptly.

A dagger protruded from his abdomen. The stranger who was wearing his comrade\'s clothes eyed him dispassionately.

The imperial bodyguard struggled to reach the signal flare hidden in his clothes, but before he could do so, another hand had already snatched it away.

Then, in the distance, from the darkness of the area surrounding Bo Chang reservoir, ghostly figures with dark shadows emerged, just like the strands of a big woven net, approaching the reservoir with nary a sound.

The muffled sound of close combat echoed in the darkness.

This night, someone set out in military attire, bringing with him three hundred elite troops, and lay in ambush at Bo Chang reservoir. In a one-sided massacre, with rapidly slashing knives, fresh blood flowed freely.

This night, someone slept soundly, in a warm and refined fu. The smoke from incense rose in spirals, and a good night\'s rest was enjoyed.

This night, the homes of the people at Bo Chang reservoir were infiltrated by countless black shadows, and the people were moved away in the darkness.

This night, in the courtyard of a large, luxurious fu, a yellow-robed monk closed his eyes and recited Buddhist scriptures, remaining in silent meditation for the entire night.

This night, the breeze wafted gently, the raindrops were as delicate as silk thread, and the night was full of pathos. Some people had good dreams, while others remained sleepless.

Then, as morning broke on the next day, a loud sound came from the east, and startled awake the still-slumbering residents of the capital city.

The rain poured down in torrents, as if bowl after bowl of water was being upended.

With a bang, the entire dam of Bo Chang reservoir collapsed from the centre outwards, as if it were nothing but a frail partition. The stored water combined with the rain water and surged forth with a tremendous rumble, becoming a huge wave in the twinkling of an eye. In a flash, the water completely engulfed the innumerable homes of the people in the lower reaches of the reservoir.

Like a thunderclap, the news of Bo Chang reservoir\'s collapse spread through the capital in an instant. The deluge of rainwater had not only inundated the lower reaches, even other areas which were slightly lower in elevation were also affected.

When the news reached her, Jiang Ruan was in her residence eating furong steamed cake.

In the end, she had not eaten the previous evening\'s steamed cake. This morning, although the cake was somewhat cold, when paired with hot tea, it had a special flavour.

When Jiang Xin Zhi returned, his clothes were completely soaked. He changed into a set of dry clothes and immediately went to visit Jiang Ruan even though his hair was still wet. Upon entering the courtyard and noticing what she was doing, he said, "Why are you eating cold food? You\'d better take care, your stomach will be cold[5]."

[5] T/N: In Chinese medicine, eating too much \'cold food\' (not necessarily cold in terms of temperature, but in terms of Chinese medicine, food that cools down your body (\'yin\' food) e.g. lemon, cheese, green tea) can lead to various illnesses and problems.

Jiang Ruan gave him a smile. "It\'s nothing."

Jiang Xin Zhi sat down opposite her and smiled as he said, "Everything has been settled. The people have all been moved to Dongpo mountain, and since it is much higher ground, there should be no issues."

Jiang Ruan nodded, then noticed Jiang Xin Zhi hesitating slightly, so she asked, "What has happened?"

Since Jiang Xin Zhi kept nothing from her, he said, "Last night, when I was with Biaoge, the General also arrived. He didn\'t question me about mobilising the troops for private reasons, and even brought some people to help me." He frowned and continued, "Those people did not seem to be from the army. They were very competent in handling corpses, as if they specialised in killing." Realising that he should not be speaking of such bloody business in front of Jiang Ruan, he said, "Ah Ruan, you don\'t have to concern yourself with this."

"Since Guan Liang Han helped you, he must have his reasons. Since he didn\'t take the initiative to question you, you don\'t have to worry about it." Jiang Ruan did not understand Guan Liang Han\'s intentions, but there were more important matters to handle at present.

"Dage, when it\'s convenient, find some trustworthy people and ask them to spread this in the marketplace." Jiang Ruan handed the note in her hand to Jiang Xin Zhi.

Jiang Xin Zhi took the note with some misgivings. When he read its contents, he was dumbfounded. He thought for a while before asking, "Ah Ruan, what did the Li family do to you?"

He had initially assumed that Jiang Ruan was undertaking this series of events solely to help the Zhao family. Going one step further, it would be to curtail Xuan Li\'s power and influence and cause him to lose vitality in a short period of time. However, judging from the current situation, it seemed that all of Jiang Ruan\'s barbs were aimed at the Grand Councillor fu. The more he thought about it, the more apprehensive he became, and he was appalled. On further thought though, the Grand Councillor fu must have done something to Jiang Ruan, otherwise, why would she harbour such deep hatred?

Ever since his return to the fu, he had asked about Jiang Ruan\'s circumstances, but everyone in the Jiang fu kept silent on the topic. The servants were not clear about quite a few situations so there was basically no point in asking them about Jiang Ruan.

Jiang Ruan said, indifferently, "Li Yang is a philanderer and had indecent intentions towards me, so I castrated him, and now the Li family hates me to the core. If he lives, he will sooner or later become my enemy. Either he dies or I die. If I don\'t eliminate the entire family, there\'s no way for me to be at ease." She spoke lightly, playing down the situation, but Jiang Xin Zhi\'s thoughts and emotions were in a tumult when he heard her words. His first reaction was extreme astonishment, then he clenched his fists tightly and spat out, "Intolerable bully!"

He thrust the note into his gown and said, "Leave this to me." Looking at her, he continued, "Ah Ruan, if only dage had returned earlier, you would not have had to suffer such humiliation."

Jiang Ruan smiled faintly and said, "It\'s nothing."

It wasn\'t the humiliation that was dreadful, it was the not being self-aware even after humiliation, never having the opportunity to make a change in one\'s fortunes, and thus living one\'s life to the end in utter misery. Just like her previous life.

Jiang Xin Zhi strode out of the door.

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