Classless Reincarnation

Chapter 40 Kings At The Registrar!

"The Alchemists did what?!"

"I heard they colluded with the Demonic Legion!"

"T-That can\'t be! Weren\'t they making potions for the Dawn Guard just recently?! Are they trying to play both sides? Are they bloody insane?!"

"That\'s not all… I heard something else too. Some youngsters pushed it even farther, so far in fact that I heard the Dawn Guard wanted to bring them to jail on the spot!"

"W-what did they do?!"

"They stole some other Alchemist\'s tribute to the Dawn Guard, making it look like she hadn\'t followed the Draft Notice. Petty revenge aside, that\'s going against the City!"

"Bastards! Tch— I\'d bitch-slap them so hard! Do they freaking think this is a game?! We\'re here fighting for our lives, goddammit! They make me sick. I just want to—"

Across Dawn City, many citizens were busy spatting at the offenders. As for those under investigation, they felt like throwing up blood.

"I got framed! It\'s all Lizzy Lamprey\'s fault. Search her shop. Just do it!"

To the guards, it appeared like nothing but a weak attempt at an excuse, yet they couldn\'t take any chance with terrorism! They had to move fast!

— Knock! Knock! Knock! —

Not only Guards showed up at Lizzy\'s door, but also a dignified old man that had her instantly nervous. This guy was a Teacher at the Alchemy Tower! Even he had come?!

His brilliant gaze was hardened, yet he couldn\'t hide the headache he was getting about the whole thing, showing even more wrinkles than usual.

"Lizzy, you won\'t mind if I walk around?"

He asked, but it wasn\'t really a question. He rhythmically tapped his magical cane on the wooden flooring as he investigated her laboratory.

His eagle eyes checked everything!

"Dust, aphrodisiac residues, this... what is this?!" He cautiously touched a puddle on the ground, smelling it and turning completely red. "W-why is this here?!"

The guards got ready for a fight! Was she actually one of the bad guys?! "Master Alchemist, should we apprehend her?!"

"Cough, cough, no need, no need." Suddenly, the "Master" seemed incredibly awkward, confusing the soldiers even further. But as they checked closer, they also turned beet red!

This white stuff was obviously—

"Anyway, let me do one final test!" The Alchemist Master wanted to finish this investigation as soon as possible.

That\'s when he got out a black, evil-looking substance. The thing almost seemed alive as it tried to escape its container to no avail.

"Life-Corrupting Poison…"

Every single being present drew a cold breath. This thing was incredibly deadly. A single drop in an open wound would most likely doom its host!

"It was found at the crime scene. I\'ll now do something few can perform, a Mana-Signature Check! Whether you\'re involved or not will be obvious with this!"

The Alchemy Master got to work, wrapping his hands around the deadly poison. If Lizzy\'s Mana had been used to create that horror, she\'d start glowing.


That\'s when it happened!

Out of nowhere, a world-blinding glow erupted out of… a particular Picture book stuffed deep in a clothes drawer. Good thing none of that light made it out!

As for Lizzy, she didn\'t glow whatsoever…

"She\'s clear. She has nothing to do with this. She\'s really just an unfortunate bystander. Sigh, sorry to have disturbed you…." They all exited as quickly as they had come.

In the now silent room, Jack came out of the room he had been hiding in. "What did I tell you? Jizz on the floor works every time!"

At this moment, she wasn\'t sure whether to feel impressed or disgusted. She still couldn\'t believe she had shown such a disgraceful appearance to an Alchemy Master!

Still, how had Jack known that the Master would try to end it ASAP with his best detection method? They had schemed to trick that one technique since the beginning.

She had done the Alchemy, but the Old Ghost had provided the Dark Mana!

"Cheer up, Lizzy! Let\'s go to the Registrar, shall we?"


They strolled out of Lizzy\'s Emporium like kings, or Jack did anyway. Never had a baby looked so smug, many aunties exclaiming how "cute" he looked.

Lizzy couldn\'t help but shiver… if only they knew the devil that hid inside this tiny body! It became even more apparent when a group of soldiers passed them.

The latter escorted their new prisoner, that one girl who had insulted Lizzy back at the alchemy Tower\'s entrance. As soon as she saw them…

"Y-you, You, YOU! It\'s all your fault! She\'s the criminal! LIZZYYYY! Get her! She did it all! It\'s all her fault!" She screamed like a shrew as she tried to claw her way out.

Her smug attitude was nowhere to be seen, reduced to a mad dog. Sadly for her, the guards instantly restrained her once more. As she lost her mind, a certain baby laughed…

"What a cute baby! See, this is why I do this job, to protect our future!" A friendly Guard exclaimed, not realizing what was going on.

In any case, Jack and Lizzy soon showed up at the Alchemy Tower like conquerors. There were tons of murmurs on their passage, but none dared to confront them directly!

Not even that, but the "Black-Sheep Lizzy" posters were even being hurriedly taken down by the cleaning staff. This felt so freaking awesome!

Then before long…

| Alchemy Tower Registrar! |

"Hello, Lizzy Lamprey, I\'m here to get my license back!" She beamed at the woman in charge!

When was the last time she had felt so confident?! At this moment, she was so glad to have met Jack. Sure, his methods were unorthodox and slightly evil, but he was GREAT!

"Lizzy, was it? Oh, I see. A note on your file says you need to pay your Alchemist Membership Fees. That will be five gold in total!"



Membership fee, not Draft Notice?! Didn\'t this mean that…

"Will you pay now or in installments? Miss Lamprey?" The concerned Registrar lady asked. Never had she seen that big of a reaction for a mere five golds.

At this moment, a certain duo felt incredibly dumb….

"I guess we can get the Mandrake now..."





Jack Bright (Classless)


BODY 9 (STR 3 / AGI 3 / RES 3)

SOUL 45 ( MAGIC 8 / SENSE 18 / WILL 19)



- Framing (F)

- Prone to Misunderstandings


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